
Who Dies in Game of Thrones: The Broken Man?

Last week’s episode, Blood of My Blood, seemed like a giant curveball compared to what many were […]

Last week’s episode, Blood of My Blood, seemed like a giant curveball compared to what many were expecting. After an all-out brawl was teased in King’s Landing, we got a surprising turn of events that put King Tommen front and center in the city’s religious movement. This twist, while setting up some great stuff for the rest of the season, totally killed my predictions for last week’s episode. I thought at least someone was going to die on those steps, but the episode proved to be one of the most docile in recent memory. With all the set up that last week provided, The Broken Man could end up being a brutal outing.

I normally don’t carry over predictions, but I’m going to make an exception this week. I thought that Arya would kill the Waif, and it looks like that’s going to happen. She couldn’t prove herself as a faceless assassin, so Arya has turned to her reliable Needle as she flees the House of Black and White. Waif is chasing after her with orders to kill, so it seems as though that scenario can only end with one of them dying, if not both. I think her trainer will catch up to Arya, but she will use what she’s learned to become the killer as opposed to the victim. I’m not quite sure what killing Waif will do for Arya’s future, but it will at least buy her a little time. I could see her getting in with that theatre troupe as they leave town, only to be slowly chased by the faceless man.

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This episode has lead us back to the war of the Riverlands, and we realised that many of the Northern houses are still angry about the Red Wedding. We always knew the North would remember, but it was revealed that many of the houses have been raiding and attacking the Freys. Walder sends his army to take back River Run from the Blackfish, and Jaime has been sent to assist him. While Cersei insisted that Jaime does as he’s told, I have a feeling the humanity we’ve seen from him before will resurface when he meets with the Blackfish. Instead of slaying the Tully forces, he will turn on Walder Frey. When Lothar Frey goes to execute Edmure Tully, it will be Jaime or Bronn who turns and kills Lothar instead. This act will defy his love, but there is a part of Jaime that still wants to fight for what it right and just. Also, the most important part of this storyline; Bronn is back! After six episodes, everyone’s favorite swordsman has re-entered the game, and we couldn’t be more excited.

One of he best scenes in last week’s episode was watching Sam interact with his father, Randyll Tarly. The man was as evil as they come, and Sam is poised to leave town with the family sword. Judging from the previews, we may not even see Sam and Gilly in this episode, but I think we could get a glimpse of their story. If they’re caught trying to flee, I think it’s possible we could see Sam or Gilly take the famed Valyrian sword and use it to kill Randyll. The head of house Tarly, killed by his outcast son; this is a story I could see becoming really interesting as the season plays on.

Now, for my bold prediction of the week. I think Margary Tyrell is really up to something. Her ultra-religious turn happened too quickly for me to believe, and Tommen has been set up as more of an ignorant child than a feasible king. I think the queen is playing her husband, and the entire capital, into the palm of her hand. It’s no secret that Margary is smart, and this would be a great opportunity to show how cunning she really is. I think she will kill Tommen and set the Lannisters up as the culprits. The entire city knows how angry Cersei was at Tommen’s conversion, and Margary could use that to finally tear the Lions off of the throne; at least for now.

Who do you think will die in this week’s episode? Agree with any of my picks? Let us know in the comments below.

The seventh episode of the sixth season of Game of Thrones is titled The Broken Man, and it airs on HBO Sunday June 5, at 9pm ET.