A recent contestant on Wheel of Fortune had possibly the most epic fail of all time in the game show’s history. On Tuesday night, a man named Kevin was clearly mixed up on the name of a famous American play.
Towards the end of the round, the letters on the board spelled out, “A Streetcar Na_ed Desire.” It was Kevin’s turn, and he took a chance by taking another spin. He narrowly avoided landing on the bankrupt slot, and then gave the worst answer possible.
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“K!” he said with excitement.
Obviously, his answer was dead wrong and the turn then went to a female contestant who promptly answered that the correct title was “A Streetcar Named Desire.”
After this epic blunder aired on TV, Twitter absolutely erupted with hilarious responses.
Check out some of the best fan reactions to the Wheel of Fortune fail here:
Hey kevin. Lay off the porn. #astreetcarnakeddesire. #wheeloffortune pic.twitter.com/OQaalROV64
โ Kevin Power (@KevinPower5) March 21, 2017
Click “Start Slideshow” to see more Twitter reactions.
What do you think was going through this contestant’s mind when he realized how horribly he dropped the ball on this Wheel of Fortune puzzle?
[H/T The Concourse]
Having a #badday? Just remember the guy who blew the easiest #WheelOfFortune puzzle ever. He asked for a “k”. #AStreetcarNakedDesire #Wrong pic.twitter.com/og6W43jUen
โ Alix Michaels (@AlixsVoice) March 22, 2017
Who, like me, would totally watch the play “A Streetcar Naked Desire” #WheelOfFortune #Fail
โ Bryan Johnson (@BryanJohnson__) March 22, 2017
I don’t know which is worst: saying a “K” instead of an “M” or that dude that couldn’t pronounce achilles ?damn, #WheelOfFortune lmfaoo
โ Yolanda (@LadyMockingjay) March 22, 2017
REWIND: A Streetcar Na__ed Desire. ? (K) ??? #WheelofFortune
โ Nic (@07lovechild) March 22, 2017
Man… get your eyes off @TheVannaWhite . FOCUS! ?
Vanna White’s thoughts: He really answered “K”. A Street Car Naked Desire… #WheelOfFortune pic.twitter.com/c6FPhKzcJD
โ Austin (@austinjames1002) March 22, 2017
“A Streetcar Naked Desire”, the long awaited sequel to the Tennessee Williams masterpiece. #WheelOfFortune #EpicFail
โ Terry Goldman (@terrygoldman) March 22, 2017
“A Streetcar Naked Desire.” Haha! Yeah. I couldn’t stop laughing. That whole game was awkward!
โ Joelle Poitra (@TheeJoelle) March 22, 2017
And now I’m laughing again. #WheelOfFortune
Dude on #WheelOfFortune had:
โ Dre Lou (@dre_lou) March 22, 2017
He said “K” for the final letter.
“Naked”, y’all.
Personally, I blame #Trump.