
Was A UFO Caught On Camera Then ‘Dimmed’ Out By NASA?

A shocking new video has surfaced on the Internet showing what appears to be a massive UFO […]

A shocking new video has surfaced on the Internet showing what appears to be a massive UFO hovering in space over Earth.

The footage was captured on one of NASA‘s camera on the International Space Station. YouTube user StreetCap1 saved the video and was able to analyze it before sharing online.

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The clip was posted with the caption: “I thought I was seeing things. I had to be quick. This should appear in the archive later for those wanting verification. The dimming at the end was sudden and my guess is they turned down the brightness a little because they spotted it. Sorry about quality, but it was hundreds of miles away.”

Conspiracy theorists are claiming that NASA “dimmed the feed” in order to make the objects in question “disappear” from view of the camera.

The footage shows a “cigar-shaped” UFO flying over Earth’s horizon. Two eye-catching bright objects are just below, and possibly attached to the longer UFO.

Here’s UFO hunter Tyler Glockner’s take on the bizarre incident:

“We definitely see some anomalous objects, we have this very long cigar-shaped UFO. It’s unidentified, we don’t know what it is. And then below it, we have these two reflective-looking orbs or objects that are obviously under very low resolution because Nasa likes to give us low res videos and keep the high-resolution stuff to themselves.

I have monitored hundreds, likely thousands, of hours of ISS live feed footage and I’ve seen UFOs, I’ve seen ice crystals, I’ve seen space debris and I’ve seen light reflections.

What we’re seeing here looks like none of those. And it would appear that shortly after these objects come into view, Nasa – either purposely – or the UFOs do it on their own, but the objects quickly dim out. So we may have had Nasa dimming the feed, messing with the contrast or the exposure to make these objects disappear from view.”

What do you think this video footage shows? Do you think it is actually a UFO or some optical illusion?

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[H/T Bro Bible]