
These Sad Encounters With Celebrites Stories Will Make You Cry, And Laugh Hysterically

Celebrities often make a lasting impression on the fans they encounter. Sometimes those […]

Celebrities often make a lasting impression on the fans they encounter. Sometimes those experiences turn out to be really awesome moments, but other times, not so much.

A Reddit thread was started for people to share their saddest celebrity encounters, and you will not believe some of the stories that have been posted. Celebrities such as Joaquin Phoenix, Gene Simmons, A Song of Fire and Ice author George R.R. Martin, and A-lister Brad Pitt have all given their fans a handful of memorable moments.

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One Reddit user named CBBuddha shared this story about seeing Joaquin Phoenix in a bar:

Joaquin Phoenix and the drummer from the Raconteurs once came into the bar I was hanging out at. (This was post crazy beard phase) He wasn’t acting weird or anything but a bunch of girls I guess he knew came in and they were all mingling. Having a good time. I thought it would be fun to buy him (Joaquin) a round of whatever he was drinking. The bartender served it to him, turned around and pointed to me, and Joaquin looked dumbfounded. Like totally flattered. He bowed and mouthed ‘Thank you so much!’

I felt kinda dumb for doing it. Later on I found out (from the bartender) that he was acting like a madman. Not a total douche but just kinda wild. Irritating folks. Walking in front of cars in the street and being loud.

When I asked for my tab (which had been pretty hefty) the bartender told me that he had picked up my bill. And all my friend’s bill as well.

So. Crazy weirdo or not. I’ll always remember that kindness. As sad as it was to see him drunkenly irritating the F out of people. F***ing Joaquin Phoenix bought my tab.”

Reddit user squirrel-ninja shared a crazy story about KISS musician Gene Simmons.

He wrote: “Gene Simmons is a douche bag. My dad ran into him in some bar in Baltimore in the very late 70’s after a show. My dad wasn’t a huge KISS fan but appreciated their music and told Gene something along the lines of ‘Awesome concert, thanks for the show’ Gene looked at my dad and then promptly replied ‘I hope the next time your sucking a** to impress someone, you pucker more,’ and then walked off. My dad was pissed and went to tell his two friends he was with it was time to go, and the bartender stopped them on the way out, Gene and his entourage told the bartender my dad was paying for their drinks and left already. Cost my dad almost a hundred bucks for their alcohol they ditched him with paying. So growing up every time something with Kiss came on, my dad would relate this story and rant about how Gene Simmons can suck and go die somewhere. I was tired of hearing about it, by the time I was 14 or 15.”

Reddit user rmpriest13 encountered author George R. R. Martin, whose books were used as the basis for HBO’s Game of Thrones, and had an interesting experience with him.

“I met George R. R. Martin at the Blaze Pizza in Evanston a couple of months back when he was in town to accept an award from Northwestern University. At the time, I was listening to the audiobook of A Clash of Kings, and he very excitedly told me, ‘You’ve got a ways to go to catch up!’ When I told that I’ve already read what he’s published three times, and am listening to the audiobook as a new way to experience the story, he just kind of…deflated. He let out a big sigh, and just said, ‘Yeah, I need to finish the next book. People won’t stop bothering me about it.’”

Reddit user GrollTheLicker had a run-in with Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt, and it didn’t go well.

“I got c**kblocked by Brad Pitt. I was an extra in World War Z and I met this girl there and we were talking and all was great until one time Brad Pitt walks by. Was very friendly to her…totally blanked me. His stunt double was a cool dude though.”

Check out the full Reddit thread here.

What is your saddest encounter with a celebrity?

[H/T Reddit]