
Teen Mom 2’s Jeremy Calvert’s Ex Fiancee Accused Him Of Cheating With Her Best Friend

Even after the breakup, the drama between the Teen Mom 2 Jeremy Calvert and Brooke Wehr is still […]

Even after the breakup, the drama between the Teen Mom 2 Jeremy Calvert and Brooke Wehr is still going strong.

Nearly one month after the pair called off their engagement, Brooke has accusing her ex-fiancee of cheating on her again. But this time the other woman is Brooke’s best friend. The 26-year-old even has the proof to back up her claims. And she’s taken to Instagram to show the world.

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Brooke shared a screenshot of a text message conversation between Jeremy and her bestie Leeann Chappell. In the conversation, Jeremy told Leeann that he was finally going to come clean to his then-fiancee about their affair and Leeann kept the reply short, calling him a “coward.”

“Here’s part of the truth since everybody wants to call me a liar and cheater and everything else,” Brooke wrote in the caption. “Here’s a screenshot between my best f—king friend Leeann and Jeremy who had been hooking up behind my back the whole f—king time we were together. Sucks that I just found this out. These two sorry excuses for human beings are literally the scum of the earth.”

(Photo: In Touch)

Brooke tagged her former bestie and she received so much backlash that she ended up deleting her profile.

It seems like Brooke posted the screenshot as a response to a previous post of a photo of her with another man, in which she was accused of cheating on Jeremy during their relationship.

Jeremy replied to the post with an Instagram quote about “taking the high road.”

Jeremy shared a text post on Instagram with a quote about “taking the high road” after the photo evidence of his ex allegedly cheating on him was leaked—and he said he was glad that he broke up with Brooke when he did.

It has been a back and forth between Jeremy and Brooke so the reason behind the split last month is unknown. However, we at least know that infidelity was involved. As to whose infidelity is still the question.

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[H/T In Touch]