
Should Sons Of Anarchy Have Lasted Longer?

It’s always bittersweet when a TV series ends, especially if the show has been running for a […]

It’s always bittersweet when a TV series ends, especially if the show has been running for a number of years. Audiences across the globe cried together as Friends closed it’s door one final time, this finale coming after a ten year run on NBC.

Cable dramas like Mad Men, Justified, and Breaking Bad showed massive numbers on their series finales, and many fans wondered why the shows couldn’t continue. If there’s money to be made for another two or three seasons, why not go for it?

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This scenario was incredibly evident as the FX hit series Sons Of Anarchy came to a close in 2014. It was announced during the show’s fifth season that the intention was to finish with season seven, and that plan never changed.

Even as the sixth and seventh seasons of SOA continued to break records for FX, creator Kurt Sutter never deviated from his plan. It was going to be seven seasons; no more, no less.

The ending of the series was beautifully crafted and emotionally tragic, but fans were left wanting more. Every fall, for seven years, our Tuesday nights were spent in Charming, CA. No one wanted to live a life after Sons had ended.

So, we ask ourselves this question: Should Sons Of Anarchy have ended when it did?

In terms of money being made, not at all. The series had grown 200% in it’s viewership since the premiere in 2008, and that number only went up every year. Each season added more viewers to the last, and the series was a staple for FX. The audience was there, and intently watching, so SOA could have easily lasted another two or three years.

Yes, it could have. However, is this what we really wanted?

(Photo: FX)

What made Sons so powerful was the creative control exercised by Kurt Sutter. He and his writing team had a plan in place for how they wanted this story to end, and the never steered of the path. By wrapping the series up in season seven, like they had planned, they were able to paint a beautiful picture of the outlaw culture.

Think about it, in seven seasons, we never got tired of a character. We never had the chance to complain about a recycled storyline. If the series would have outlived its original idea, there would have been a drop-off in artistry in the latter seasons.

It sucked to see Jax end his story the way he did, but that’s what his character was always meant to do. By adding seasons to get more money, the stories of these characters would have been jeopardized.

We miss Jax and his crew, more than we ever thought we would, but isn’t that the point? If the show would have worn out it’s welcome, we would have been glad to see it end. Think about some of the cable shows like CSI or NCIS. They have lasted forever, and many fans are ready for something else. People will remember those shows for how long they lasted, not for the stories or characters hidden within the episodes.

Aren’t you glad Sons Of Anarchy is leaving a legacy that we can be proud of?

Sure, we’d all love to see more of the MC and their aventures, but the memories we already have of these characters aren’t remotely worth the sacrifice.

Should Sons Of Anarchy have lasted longer?

Absolutely not.

NEXT: Sutter Shares Mayans MC Patch / Sons Of Anarchy Spin-Off Update