
Man Tries Cracking 80-Foot Whip, Rips Skin Off His Leg Instead

At one point or another, every kid dreamed of being Indiana Jones. Some of those kids grew into […]

At one point or another, every kid dreamed of being Indiana Jones. Some of those kids grew into adults who just couldn’t let that dream die. Such seems to be the case with YouTuber Brian Ropar. Who, in his most recent video, injures himself attempting to crack an 80-foot bull whip.

The 30-second video opens with Ropar announcing what he’s about to do. Next, we see him step out into the grass, lift the handle of the whip, and then give it a flick.

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The first try doesn’t amount to much more than Ropar getting a feel for the whip. His second flick proves much more fruitful, as the tip of the whip flicks back and nearly hits Ropar, to which he utters a few choice NSFW words.

The third attempt is extremely successful. So successful that Ropar actually cracks the whip hard enough for it to come back and hit him in the leg. Now, at this point, you’d think that he’d be satisfied with his accomplishment and call it a day, but you’d be 100% wrong.

Ropar lifts the handle of the whip and gives it one more, fourth, crack. It ends up being the same result as the last one and the whip connects with his leg hard. Our would-be Dr. Jones then gives us a shot of his leg where the whip caught him ad we can see that it took quite a bit of skin off and left him in pain and bleeding.

He ends the video saying, “Well that is by far one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done in my life.”

Ropar has about 9 different YouTube channels. The one he uploaded this video to is called “Bryan Ropar’s World of Science and Engineering.”

In his description of the channel, he says, “Welcome to my world of science and engineering on this channel you never know what your going to find. Please this stuff can be dangerous don’t try what you see me do- I write risk assessments, am very aware of my soundings, and have been trained to do most of these activities.”

There’s no guarantee he will anytime soon, but maybe next time he pulls out the old whip he’ll consider wearing some pants instead.

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[H/T: Brobible / Youtube-Bryan Ropar]