
Small Human-Like Creature Takes Off On Dirt Road In Indonesia

When you and your friends are trying to ride dirtbikes through Indonesian jungles, it can be […]

When you and your friends are trying to ride dirtbikes through Indonesian jungles, it can be frustrating for locals to spring up out of nowhere and then give chase. Or, in the case of this footage, it can be frustrating when the surprise visitor gives you such a fright, you fall off your dirtbike, chase the figure, who then disappears into the dense brush. How the man ran so fast and where he disappeared to is anyone’s guess, but you’ll have to just watch the video to learn more.

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The incident occurred near Banda Aceh, which is in the northern part of the island of Sumatra. After pursuing the figure down the dirt path and it disappears into the brush, the dirtbikers only find the large stick it was carrying, which it most likely ditched so it could disappear more quickly.

Hoping to shed light on the situation, many YouTube viewers claim the figure is a man from the Mante tribe. The lost pygmy tribe is said to be smaller than the average man and will flee when they encounter outsiders. This description certainly lines up with the events of the video.

The theories that the figure is part of the Mante tribe might never be confirmed, much like the tribe itself, with their being only one record that they even exist in an account saying two members in the 17th century were brought to the sultan. Many people believe they are merely the thing of legend.

It’s possible that the Mante are related to Homo floresiensis, a species that was discovered in 2003. The “Hobbit-like” creatures were around three-and-a-half feet tall with small brains and no chins.

Some theories claim the individual belonged to the Mante tribe, but there are estimated to be seven tribes that live in that region. Considering how quickly the footage moves and that the bikers never get a clear look at the individual, it’s tough to say how tall they were.

Do you think the individual in the video is from a mythical tribe or a nearby tribe that has been confirmed? Let us know in the comments!


[H/T Daily Mail]