The episode opens with Ev’s soldiers pulling their guns on the Wizard and demanding he turn away. The Wizard tries to bribes Ev with a double-sized payment. Ev accepts the payments, but she refuses to hand over the guns. After all, the Wizard left her country to die the last time the Beast Forever came, it’s simply time for her to return the favor.
Tip begs West not to die, as she was just on the other side and came back. Tip says she can feel East inside of her, and that East wants her to get up “off her lazy ass” and help her. So, West heals the wounds on her wrists.
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The extra-sized payment was a trap, a trojan horse to get some of the Wizard’s men into Ev. They easily take Ev hostage and let the Wizard in.
Dorothy and Toto head back to the farmhouse where she and Lucas had holed up just a few days earlier. She walks inside and sits down, but Lucas is already there with a knife ready to kill her.

Tip tries to use East’s magic, but she can’t cast a spell no matter what she does. West guides her through the process and Tip transforms herself back into a boy.
Dorothy asks Lucas why he’s trying to kill her, and Lucas says that he can’t have Dorothy be a part of her anymore. After Dorothy demands he kill her, Lucas tells her to close her eyes. However, Toto barges through the window and attacks Lucas, giving Dorothy and opening to escape. Before Dorothy can get to the horse, Lucas runs outside and cuts her off. Lucas tackles Dorothy as she tries to run, but begs her to use her magic as he starts to choke her. Dorothy doesn’t want to use magic, as it will kill Lucas, but she does grab his knife and plunge it into her side. Lucas comes to his senses and then collapses on the ground next to her.
Dorothy ties Lucas to a cross and leaves him at the farmhouse. She rides off with Toto.
The Wizard confronts Ev in her bedroom. The Wizard admits that she hasn’t killed Ev yet to spare his army from fighting two wars at once. However, that doesn’t mean she’s in a position to negotiate. The Wizard slaps Ev across the face, breaking her mask, and tells her to get presentable for her soldiers.Meanwhile, Jack finds his maker Jane and tells her that the Wizard has taken Ev captive.
Tip takes a piss in the woods and then asks about West’s next step. Tip wants to just kill the Wizard, but West says she needs supporters…which means they needs Ozma. Tip doesn’t want to change back and runs off into the woods.
Dorothy returns back to the Munchkin village and flashes her magic gloves to get a meeting with their leader. She says she can open the Prison of the Abject, but only if they agree to bring back the Stone Giants.
West warns Tip that without Ozma, there’s no Oz. However, West agrees not to make Tip change back into a girl.
Jane goes to the castle and finds the Wizard, who she knew from their days back on Earth. Jane begs the Wizard not to take Ev from her, but he gets upset when he calls her by his real name.Jane returns to her workshop and tells Jack she can’t be stopped, so Jack tells Jane to make him into a gun.
The Munchkin tribal leader takes Dorothy back to the Prison of the Abject. However, all the prisoners are gone, except for a skinless man stuck in the center of a tree. She frees the skinless man, but finds out they’ve all been taken….by West, who freed them for Tip’s army. However, the Munchkin leader’s wife was left behind as she is dying. Although the witch refuses to help Dorothy at first, Dorothy explains that if she can stop the Wizard, she’ll make sure he goes back to Kansas with him.
West tries to convince the other witches to follow Tip, but they don’t believe she’s Ozma and turns on West.
Ev addresses her people without her mask on, but she refuses to cede to the Wizard. When the Wizard puts a gun to her head, Ev still refuses to yield. Jack sneaks in and tries to shoot the Wizard with a new handgun (literally, his hand was turned into a gun, but the Wizard pulls Ev in front of him. Ev gets shot in the forehead, but the Wizard gets captured when he tries to run.
The skinless man attacks Ojo for some reason and then starts screaming.
Tip transforms back into a girl and then forces the witches to see her memories. The witches accept Tip as Ozma and follow her to Emerald City.
Jane reveals that Ev had died when the Beast Forever came the last time. Jane rebuilt her into a cyborg, much in the same manner Jack had been rebuilt. Jack freaks out and then grabs an ax to kill the Wizard.
There’s only one problem with Jack’s plan: Ev’s men is about to kill the Wizard. They put him in front of a firing squad…when a Stone Giant suddenly arrives at the city, led by Dorothy.