
CNN Host Slams Guest For Saying Highly Offensive Word

On Tuesday, Brooke Baldwin slammed one of the guests on her CNN Newsroom show after he used the […]

On Tuesday, Brooke Baldwin slammed one of the guests on her CNN Newsroom show after he used the N-word on live television.

Author and blogger Charles Kaiser was bashing President-elect Donald Trump’s selection for chief White House strategist, Steve Bannon. Kaiser made the claim that Bannon has used the N-word, but Kaiser actually said the word on live television.

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Host Brooke Baldwin was visibly shocked when Kaiser used the word as her eyes began to look watery and her voice was shaky. Baldwin’s other guest on the show, an African-American man and Trump supporter Paris Dennard, raised his eyebrows in disbelief but maintained to keep his composure.

“Charles, just hang on a second,” Baldwin said. “I appreciate you going through all of this. But please don’t use the N-word on my show.”

After Baldwin rebuked Kaiser, he tried to explain his reasoning behind using the racial slur.

“I never use the N-word except when I’m quoting someone who’s been appointed by the President to serve in the Oval Office,” he said.

The CNN host was clearly unsatisfied with Kaiser’s response and abruptly cut the segment short saying, “We’re done.”

“The more I’ve sat here and listened to the fact that somebody used the N-word on this show โ€” it is not OK. It is not OK, Charles Kaiser,” Baldwin said. “I respect you. I enjoy having you on as a guest, but not ok.”

Baldwin then tried to fight back her tears as she responded to Kaiser’s claim that former Breitbart News exec used the offensive term.

“The claim that Mr. Bannon used the N-word, I’ve never heard of this, so there’s that,” Baldwin said before going to commercial break.

Charles Kaiser later issued an apology to CNN.

“In the heat of the moment, I said the word nโ€”- on CNN,” Kaiser wrote. “What’s worse, I think, is that I attributed its use to Bannon, rather than Sessions, which was a mistake.”

“I apologize to all those who were offended by my use of the word,” he said. “But there is also a part of me that believes that you cannot convey the true horror of these early Trump appointments without using the actual words attributed to them.”

Check out the video above to see the shocking moment from Brooke Baldwin’s CNN Newsroom show.

What do you think about Brooke Baldwin’s reaction to one of her guests using the N-word on live television?

[H/T People]