
5 Of The Most Ruthless Sons Of Anarchy Villains

Sons Of Anarchy will go down as one of the most violent and ruthless shows in television history, […]

Sons Of Anarchy will go down as one of the most violent and ruthless shows in television history, and that is largely due to the incredible villains created by Kurt Sutter.

In the vicious world of fictional biker outlaws, the Sons couldn’t escape trouble. As soon as they would make a deal with a villain, or rid the world of one, another would pop up with a different issue. Often times, these new enemies came with more lethal attitudes than the one that came before.

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Jax and his crew could never catch a break, and this exhilarating style of writing kept fans on the edge of their seats for a full seven seasons.

These villains didn’t just badger the club for guns or secrets, they attacked families and slaughtered innocents for their own gain. Until Negan debuted on The Walking Dead, no other show on cable had depicted such brutal villains.

So, we had to ask ourselves, who were the most ruthless in the history of SOA? Click through the slide show to count down our top five choices with us.

5. Lee Toric

Lee Toric seemed calm, poised, and dedicated when he was first introduced on the show. As it turned out, the man was a complete psychopath.

It made sense that Toric wanted revenge on the Sons, especially since Otto had killed his sister, but he took things a little far. He started by going after the families of the club.

What he did to follow this, however, is what gave him a top five spot on this list.

Since Otto had murdered his sister, Toric decided the man’s fate should be worse than death. Toric then ordered inmates to rape Otto, repeatedly, throughout the rest of his stay.

Otto got the last laugh in the end, killing Toric in prison. While he didn’t last long on the show, Toric’s brutal actions were more than enough to have audiences cringing.

toric soa

4. AJ Weston


What could be worst than an arrogant and passionate white supremecist? Just an arrogant and passionate white supremecist who also gang-rapes women to send a message.

AJ Weston, along with Ethan Zoebelle, acted as the main antagonist for season two. The Sons were interferring with thier neo-nazi business, and bringing people of color into their town via their gun and drug trade.

To try and break the Sons, AJ and Ethan decided to hurt Gemma, the club’s matriarch. After kidnapping her at a red light, Weston and two of his men had their way with Gemma in an empty warehouse.

This scene was one of the most difficult to watch in the history of SOA, and its effects lasted throughout the rest of the series. The violence on the show was one thing, but the sexual assault and racism were enough to make AJ one of the most hated villains in all of television.

(Photo: FX)


3. August Marks

August Marks was initially known as the right-hand man for kingpin Damon Pope. He served loyally, doing whatever needed to be done for his boss.

As the second-in-command, Marks was never that bad. He may have performed some wicked deeds, but all in the name of obedience. That being said, Pope’s death really unleashed the beast.

Marks ruled the streets of Oakland with a strong hand, never waivering in his relentless pursuits. He knew what he wanted, and you would be forever punished if you got in his way.ย 

August gave us a glimpse of his ruthless soul when he set his own man up against Jax. He told his follower to kill Jax, gave him a gun, and watched as the weapon backfired. To gain Jax’s trust, Marks shot the man on the spot.

What really brought fans down on Marks was his execution of Bobby towards the end of the series. He had the fan-favorite character tortured in order to reach an agreement with Jax. After the club president finally agreed to Marks’ terms, he shot Bobby in cold blood to prove he wasn’t to be treated as a fool.

Jax never forgave August for slaying Bobby, as his last action before riding to his death became gunning down the man on the courthouse steps.

august marks
(Photo: FX)


2. June Stahl

If watching ATF Agent June Stahl didn’t make your skin crawl, it’s safe to say you weren’t watching the same series.

Early in the series, we began to look at Jax and the Sons as the good guys. Even though they were criminals, we fell in love with them. June Stahl was the antithesis of this point, proving that the law can be just as dirty and painful as the criminal.

This woman did everything she could to bring down the Sons, just to achieve a personal gain. Stahl would literally do anything to get to the club, including killing the mother of Opie’s children.

When trying to cover her own tracks, June made a habit of killing innocent people as a cover-up. She even murdered her own girlfriend to try and pin it on the club.

When Opie finally killed Stahl in the season three finale, it was one of the most rewarding moments for fans of the show.

june stahl
(Photo: FX)


1. Damon Pope

Was there a man on Sons Of Anarchy worse than Damon Pope? 


The high-class gangster appeared to be a put-together business man on the outside, but his mean streak was a force to be reckoned with.

Tig killed Pope’s little girlย in an attempt to exact revenge on another. How did the boss react? Oh, he just made Tig watch as he burned his daughter alive. Even then, he still pursued ways to make Tig’s life worse.

In what was perhaps the most devastating moment for many fans, this punishment resulted in the eventual death of Opie. Instead of letting Tig die for his mistakes, Pope decided another member of the club needed to be killed so Jax would understand just who he was dealing with.

Pope’s calm demeanor while he killed others’ loved ones was terrifying. Even to this day, it’s hard for Sons fans to watch Harold Perrineau in anything else. We will always remember him as Damon Pope.

How do you fell about this list? Anyone you would have added? Let us know in the comments below!

soa damon pope a l
(Photo: FX)
