This Man Thought He Was Destroying The Internet, But Got Arrested Instead

He was later arrested after causing 100,000 yuan or $15,000 in damage. No photos have surfaced of [...]

(Photo: Nanfang)

One man in China became worried that photos would end up online after he participated in a local neighborhood square dance, so he took it upon himself to "destroy the internet." At least, that's what he thought he was doing.

The man in Weifang, China became upset when he thought people were mocking him as they took his photo while square dancing, which is an activity enjoyed by older women in the country. In an effort to dodge public humiliation with photos popping up online, the man allegedly dismantled the local optical networks. While the local optical network is the actual physical internet, it obviously is not the entire internet.

(Photo: Nanfang)

He was later arrested after causing 100,000 yuan or $15,000 in damage. No photos have surfaced of this particular dancing man according to Chinese news outlet The Nanfang.

Overall, this whole fiasco turned out to be an epic blunder for the square dancing man as he was not only incapable of destroying the internet, but he also was put under arrest for destroying $15k worth of property. You have to feel for the guy though, he should be able to square dance all he wants without feeling one bit of shame about it!

How do you think the square dancing man felt when he realized that his attempt to "destroy the internet" was a total fail?

[H/T Kotaku]