The Moment A Thrill Seeker Leaps Between Towering Skyscrapers Like Spider-Man

This urban free climber effortlessly leaps across skyscrapers in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, viewers are [...]

This urban free climber effortlessly leaps across skyscrapers in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, viewers are having their stomachs drop through their knees.

The video surfaced on Facebook and the location is believed to be the Hollywood terrace buildings. As the daredevil stands atop a narrow ledge, he peers down at the city far below. But the thrill seeker just getting started.

After hopping onto the building's ledge, the urban free climber literally leaps through the air and lands on an adjacent rooftop. The moment the daredevil is airborne, there's nothing below but a fatal drop.

Thankfully, adrenaline enthusiast lands safely.

This video will definitely make your stomach churn.

[ H/T Daily Mail ]