‘Making A Murderer’ Convict Steven Avery Breaks It Off With New Fiance

Steven Avery was set to marry Lynn Hartman, but their love has fizzled after he found she “is a [...]

Steven Avery was set to marry Lynn Hartman, but their love has fizzled after he found she "is a gold digger."

The Making A Murderer convict had the news passed along through his friend, who is also is former fiance, Sandra Greenman. She took to Facebook to tell the world Avery was done with the relationship.

(Photo: The Wrap)

"I have a statement that I need passed around to groups," Greenman wrote on Facebook. "Steve called me two times tonight and wants everyone to know that Lynn and him are done. She has been in this relationship for money and publicity. His eyes are finally opened!!! Lynn received at least 5000.00 dollars from Dr Phil, and he thinks more. She got another 1000.00 for doing other shows. She also wanted to be on as many as possible. His words-she is a golddigger. He wants someone to contact Dr Phil before Mon. show annd (sic) let him know she was only in the relationship for money. I checked and doublechecked with him to make very sure he wanted this put on and he said very much so."

If there was any doubt the message came from Avery himself, his nice Calra Chase added to the Facebook to confirm the information.

"I had missed a call from Steven this afternoon but yes I had talked to (Avery's mother) Dolores & got some updates," Chase wrote on the Facebook post. "I just didn't wanna say anything till Steven called me back. Lynn has actually blocked the prison # from her phone & Steven has not been able to get ahold of her. So please, don't let her be the victim as she's trying to play.. saying 'she's been waiting for his call' she has had my home # blocked for weeks."

Apparently, Hartman frequently changed her stance with Avery and "flip flops faster than anyone I've seen.

"She started this media frenzy, and she's gotten money from all these different outlets," the admin added. "But she has blocked his calls and she claims on 'Dr. Phil' that he's not calling her," said an admin of the official family Facebook group.

Avery is in prison for the 2005 murder of Teresa Haibach and is the focus of the recent documentary Making A Murderer. He had dated Hartman for approximately eight months, but the couple had only met in person once at the prison.

[ H/T The Wrap ]