Lindsay Lohan Says She 'Respects' Vladimir Putin

Lindsay Lohan made an appearance on one of Russia’s most popular television shows, Let them [...]

Lindsay Lohan made an appearance on one of Russia's most popular television shows, Let them Talk. While on the show, not only did she discuss her recent breakup with Yegor Tarabasov, but also about how much she admires President Vladimir Putin.

While on the show, the actress said that she "respects" Putin and that she "admires" his persistence. Let them Talk is usually seen by nearly 9 million people, perhaps even Putin himself. This "special edition" episode was completely devoted to the interview with Lohan – whose voice was dubbed over in Russian for the audience.

linday lohan
(Photo: Twitter / @THR)

Recently, Lohan has been trying to meet with president Putin to discuss a series of charitable activities she would like to set up, including a charity to help fight human trafficking. She also hopes to make more people aware of the dangers of arthritis.

Russian media reported that the actress placed a number of demands on the show before she agreed to the interview. One of those demands was that she not only gets the chance to meet with Putin, but that she would be allowed to get a selfie. She has since denied that allegation. However, it's been reported that she also demanded a very high fee for her appearance – nearly $860,000.

Though it's unclear how much the show actually paid her, it seems that they did get their money's worth. Not only did Lohan praise the president on air, but she also spoke a log about her recent relationship with the 23-year-old, London-based Yegor Tarabasov, who is the son of a Russian oligarch, and allegedly abused Lohan during their relationship.

Everyone loves a bit of drama during a TV interview.

[H/T The Hollywood Insider]