Kim Kardashian's Social Media Absence Could Cost Her A Ton Of Money

Kim Kardashian has taken a social media sabbatical after her Paris robbery, but her absence from [...]

Kim Kardashian has taken a social media sabbatical after her Paris robbery, but her absence from the various social platforms could end up costing her millions.

As a celebrity whose brand focuses largely on her daily activities, it's imperative Kardashian maintain her public image. Her decision to go dark on social media is pretty much the equivalent of quitting her job, and the consequences could hit her hard in the wallet.

(Photo: NY Post)

It's been estimated Kardashian could lose upwards of $3.6 million from her social media blackout. On Twitter, Kardashian has 48.9 million followers, and on Instagram she has 86.6 million followers. Between those two platforms alone the reality TV star makes an estimated $300,000 per sponsored post - a number that starts to add up quickly when she doesn't post anything at all.

It's been 42 days since Kardashian last posted to social media, and the absence has already taken a financial toll.

"Her income is already affected, but I don't think she cares because she's got a lot of money and that's one of the advantages of being a celebrity — she isn't relying on this income to live off it," said celebrity financial adviser Samuel Rad. "She's got plenty of other investments and assets generating her income on a monthly or annual basis."

However, those "other investments and assets." like her reality TV show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, are directly tied to her social media presence, making her return that much more important.

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"When she does come back, it's going to make it that much more important — her first sightings are going to be that much more rare," said Rad. "She will come back even harder."

[ H/T NY Post ]