Jim Carrey's Girlfriend Left a Suicide Note Mentioning Her Breakup With the Actor

(Photo: Twitter / @POWER1079)It's been almost a year since Jim Carrey's former girlfriend, [...]

(Photo: Twitter / @POWER1079)

It's been almost a year since Jim Carrey's former girlfriend, Cathriona White, took her own life, but now new details are emerging about the suicide.

According to autopsy and toxicology reports obtained by PEOPLE, White had a note addressed to Carrey in her possession when her body was found.

"I've spent 3 days now in disbelief that you're not here. I can go on brokenhearted and try to put the pieces back. I could, I just don't have the will this time," she wrote in a note found by police. She added, "I'm sorry you felt I wasn't there for you. I tried to give you my best part."

White overdosed on prescription medication in September of 2015, shortly after the two of them broke up.

"I don't really know about burial or that sort of thing. You are my family so whatever you choose will be fine." She adds, "Please forgive me. I'm just not for this world."

After her death, Carrey wrote a public note saying how he is "deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet Cathriona. She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled."

The toxicology report confirmed that her death was ruled a suicide and at the time police found her body they also found three opened bottles of pills, all prescribed to an "Arthur King." The report said "it appears likely that the bottles for 'Arthur King' found on her bedside table were the prescriptions [Carrey] was referring to." There were other pills prescribed to White found at the scene as well.

Story originally written by Torie Jochims of Womanista.