Eminem Speaks Out On Donald Trump Running For President

WARNING: Explicit lyrics.Legendary hip-hop artist Eminem just released an 8-minute long diss track [...]

WARNING: Explicit lyrics.

Legendary hip-hop artist Eminem just released an 8-minute long diss track that threw jabs at the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. In the song titled "Campaign Speech," the 8 mile actor refers to Mr. Trump as a "loose cannon," and even threatens to drown his supporters.

The 44-year-old rapper started the rap with the lines: "Jumped out of the second floor of a record store/ With a Treacherous Four cassette and a cassette recorder/ In Ecuador with Edward Norton/ Witness the metamorphosis of a legend growing/ Like an expert swordsman from the Hessian war and/ Hence the origin of the Headless Horseman/ Born with the endorphins of a pathetic orphan."

Eminem tweeted out the freestyle on Wednesday with the message: "Don't worry I'm working on an album! Here's something meanwhile."

Not only did the Detroit-based rapper take shots at the Republican presidential nominee, but he also dropped a few bars taking shots at Mr. Trump's followers.

"Run the faucet / I'm a dunk a bunch of Trump supporters underwater," Eminem says. "Snuck up on 'em in Ray-Bans in a gray van with a spray tan."

Believe it or not, Eminem and Trump were not always adversaries. Back in 2004, the former Apprentice star made a surprise appearance at the party celebrating Eminem's Encore album and the launch of his channel on SiriusXM, Shade 45.

"When the Shady Party called and told me there's going to be a convention, I said it's got to be a really big one—and it's got to be right here in New York," Trump said. "Because this is the best city anywhere in the world. Am I right? Of course I'm right. I'm always right — I'm Donald Trump, I'm always right. I know a winner when I see one, and Donald Trump is telling you right now, Slim Shady is a winner. He's got brains, he's got guts, and he's got Donald Trump's vote!"

One person who decided to weigh in on Eminem's "Campaign Speech" song was David Duke, the former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and Louisiana senate candidate.

His name has regularly been brought up during the 2016 debates for his alleged connection to Donald Trump, although the billionaire real estate mogul has denied any such claims. Duke tweeted on Wednesday afternoon, "Eminem is a puppet of (((Paul Rosenberg))) and (((Jimmy lovine))) - For years Eminem has been poisoning the minds of our youth. #rigged."

What are your thoughts on Eminem's rap about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump?

[H/T TMZ, Rolling Stone]