Audience Boos Vice President-Elect Mike Pence At Hamilton Performance

Vice President-elect Mike Pence went to the Richard Rodgers Theater in New York City this evening [...]

Vice President-elect Mike Pence went to the Richard Rodgers Theater in New York City this evening to attend a performance of the legendary Broadway hit Hamilton. Many theater-goers couldn't hold back their anger towards the politician, and although many cheered for him, most could only muster boos.

The current cast of Hamilton stars Javier Muñoz, an openly gay, openly HIV-positive actor, so obviously many in the audience found it to be hypocritical to attend the show when Pence's proposed policies target people like Muñoz. Despite the show starting slightly hostile, the cast themselves couldn't help but address the elephant in the room during their curtain call.

Hopefully Pence took home some of the messages the cast conveyed to embody the spirit of Hamilton.

[H/T Variety]