12-Year-Old Sells Salsa To Save For College

Going to college can be quite expensive, but one young student in Texas is getting an early start [...]

Going to college can be quite expensive, but one young student in Texas is getting an early start in saving up money.

12-year-old Jacob Johnson launched his own salsa business two years ago, after what started out as family experiment in the kitchen. Now, Jake's Atomic Salsa has totally taken off.

"I never imagined it would get this good," Johnson explained. "I took it to school and I let some of my friends have it and they were like 'Man, this is really good, do you sell this?'"

After being prompted by his friends to sell it, that's when Jake first considered the idea. "I started selling it and lots of people bought it," Johnson stated. "It was just an idea I thought of. I never thought it would get this big."

Now a 7th grader at Salyards Middle School, Johnson has his sights on the future with the profits from his popular salsa business. "I want to go to Texas A&M University and I want to be a geologist, I was going to be a geophysicist, but it was too hard to get into that," he said.

Jake's mother, Kari Schriewer said, "He said 'I could use this money to take extra classes in the summer and really save for my education' and I said well I'm all for that."

After getting mom's approval, Johnson soon went to work.

Johnson has a Facebook page where you can place orders for his atomic salsa.

(Photo: Facebook / Jake's Atomic Salsa)

"$5 dollars a jar, and if you want a lot of it, we sell it for $10 dollars a large jar," Johnson said.

He even gave away his secret to the recipe, which is grilling his own peppers before everything goes in.

We wish Jacob Johnson luck in his future business endeavors, and with his goal of going to Texas A&M one day.

[H/T KHOU, Facebook: Jake's Atomic Salsa]