Britney Spears' Former Manager Denies Bugging Singer's Bedroom

Britney Spears' former business manager is finally giving her side of the bedroom bugging gate. Under her conservatorship, several members of Spears' team have alleged that her management had several recording devices placed in Spears' bedroom to monitor her conversations and activities. Now, a former business manager alleges she had nothing to do bugging the star's bedroom, or controlling her medical treatment.

Lou Taylor, who runs Tri Star Sports and Entertainment Group, the team who Spears' father hired, filed legal documents requesting the judge in the conservatorship case stop Spear's lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, from gaining access to 13 years worth of records from her time working with Spears. TMZ reports Rosengart believes Spears' funds have been mishandled.

Taylor says Rosengart should not be allowed to get 13 years' worth of records. Tri Star says they've submitted accounting records as requested over the years without any objection during the 11 years Taylor was involved in her conservatorship. 

Taylor's partner, Robin Greenhill, submitted her own document to the court which reads: "No one at Tri Star is aware of any hidden electronic surveillance device placed in Ms. Spears' bedroom. No one at Tri Star has ever had any control over Ms. Spears' medical treatment." Spears' lawyer says she is angry over the way Taylor and her company managed her affairs. 

Greenhill has yet to address allegations that she controlled Spears' ability to live freely. She reportedly told Spears several times that she couldn't go on vacation or buy what she wanted due to reaching her "spending limit."

Tri Star says they resigned from the conservatorship in August 2020 due to getting death threats from Spears' supporters. They say they helped Spears' current team have a smooth transition by providing them books and records, which included more than 16,000 files.