
The Internet is Terrified of the New ‘IT’ Trailer

A year ago, if you had asked horror movie fans if they were excited for a reboot of Stephen King’s […]

A year ago, if you had asked horror movie fans if they were excited for a reboot of Stephen King’s IT novel (and its famous ’90s TV miniseries adaptation), they probably would’ve answered in a resounding “no.” However, director Andy Muschietti (Mama) has unveiled two deeply disturbing and frightening trailers that have made fans believe; now, the IT movie remake is one of the most anticipated movies of the fall 2017 season.

The new IT trailer (which you can watch above) had the bigger task of expanding on the near-perfect (but shorter) teaser trailer with more story and character details – which left room for more opportunities to disappoint. As you can see below, though, viewers are taking notice of IT, and they are loving being terrified of what they see.

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Here are the Internet Reactions To The New IT Trailer:

The Non-Believers

Even those who have remained skeptical about the new IT movie are starting to come around. It’s a testament to the strength of these trailers, and all the creepy marketing surrounding them. 

The Scaredy Cats

As you can see above, this new IT trailer did its primary job: It terrified people all over the world. It’s not everyday (these days) that a horror film can accomplish that, so this is a testament to the good work the cast and crew has done. 

The Sleep-Deprived

If sleep is on your agenda anytime soon, then you may want to (as this viewer advises) rethink you curiosity about this new IT movie. What you see in the trailer may give you true nightmares. 

Shook Ones

Even some roughnecks out there are legitimately frightened of the new IT trailer – and aren’t afraid to talk about it. Clowns just bring that out in people, I guess. 

The Brave Ones

Some people had to summon up a lot of inner fortitude to make it through that IT trailer – but they made it! 

Clown Encounters

You know what you don’t want to do right after watching that new IT trailer? Encounter real-life clowns! Unfortunately for some poor souls, that’s exactly what they had to do…

The True Believers

Of course, some viewers believe in this new IT movie, and have since the beginning. All they’re waiting for at this point is the victory lap of actually seeing the film.