Woman Gets Really, Really Candid About Pregnancy Sex in Super Honest Post

Sex can be a tricky subject on our best body days, but when it comes to getting it on while you're [...]

Sex can be a tricky subject on our best body days, but when it comes to getting it on while you're carrying a baby inside your body, well anyone who has been there knows getting steamy with your partner can often be the last thing on your mind.

So when Mel Watts - aka the Modern Mumma - got ridiculously real on Facebook about the subject, mothers everywhere raised a glass to her much-needed honesty.

"Pregnant intimacy — okay, let's not get fancy, pregnant sex. You know there are some women who thrive when they're pregnant. They love a bit of loving from the big D and then there's people like me," she wrote. "We try. I really think we do. I know how I got in this situation and I promised myself this time would be different. I'll embrace it, I said. I'll thrive, I said. I'll love him so much more, I said. I'm going to be the best sex goddess ever when pregnant, I said."

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And then? Well, then it got vividly real.

"Well, here I am," she writes. "Beach whaled [sic] AF. Sweaty.Wearing a liner — not because I'm that kind of wet. I have a rash on my stomach from stretching skin. My breasts are weapons they'll knock anyone out. Heavy breathing. My last shaving job was a touch-a-feel job. I'm filled with 10 fingers, 10 toes, and all sorts of body parts that stick out."

Thankfully, her husband is a good, decent man who knows how to keep a wife and mama happy regardless of the sexual activity currently present or lacking in their relationship.

"And he'd still happily call me beautiful and sexy," she writes. "And he still wants me. Maybe he's one of those people that likes this kinda situation? Or maybe he is just an amazing, caring, doting and a terrible liar partner of an over emotional stretched pregnant wife. Either way — I'll keep him."

We gotta say, graphic as it may have gotten, we love the honesty, and we love how her husband handles it all. He's definitely a keeper.

[H/T / Facebook - Mel Watts - The Modern Mumma]


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