Weird Pregnancy Side Effects and What You Can Do About Them

Some women absolutely love being pregnant while others are admittedly in Struggle Town, dealing [...]

Some women absolutely love being pregnant while others are admittedly in Struggle Town, dealing with strange, miserable symptoms. You can point the finger (which ever one you want) to the massive hormone inflation. Your HCG levels double each day for the first 10 weeks or so. You also have progesterone, which helps the uterus to relax and welcome the fetus as part of the mother's body. Estrogen plays a key role in baby's development and mom's "glow." Yet, these hormones have a slew of gross side effects that women really don't want to deal with, pregnant or not.


Sinus overload: Thanks to a huge boost of estrogen, your body begins producing mucus like it's the only function it knows. Many women will experience a cold or even sinus infection in the first trimester because of this. The immune system also seems to drop in functionality during this time, so it's easy for a cold to turn into something more serious. Ask your doctor which over-the-counter medications you can take. For bacterial infections, most antibiotics are perfectly safe.

Gas attack: Pregnant or not, you're going to pass gas. When you're expecting, that frequency increases about 30 percent. There's not much you can do about it. Your diet can play a role, so you can try avoiding foods like broccoli and asparagus before you go out in public. Your gas-triggering foods are likely different from the next preggo's, so be aware. As you progress, more pressure on your guts will cause gas to build up more and maybe even slip out without your permission. Yay.

>> Read more: 10 Tips to Tame Your Raging Pregnancy Hormones

Metal mouth: As if the nausea, food cravings and aversions aren't enough, try dealing with a metallic taste in your mouth 24/7. It's called dysgeusia (dis-GOO-zia), and that's exactly how it feels. For most women, it seems to get worse throughout the day. Brushing your teeth helps a little, but gargling with warm salt water or water and baking soda seems to make a bigger difference if you can stomach it.

Super sweat: No, it's not menopause; it's a baby. All the changes happening in your body right now can really affect your body's internal temperature. The only way your body knows to regulate it is through sweating. Drink plenty of fluids, stay out of the heat and wear flexible, breathable clothing. If the sweating is getting in the way of your day-to-day activity and you experience other symptoms like a rapid heartbeat or flushed skin, see your doctor.

Red gums: If your toothbrush bristles turn red with blood, don't freak out. Sore, tender and bleeding gums are the result of too much plaque, and those super awesome hormones are responsible for that, too. Use a soft brush and gently scrub your teeth in circles. Avoid sugary drinks and carbonation, which will irritate the gums. Use an alcohol-free mouthwash as well. (via NHS)


Drooling diva: If you're feeling pretty nauseated, you're probably drooling, too. Excessive saliva is also related to heartburn. To offset the nausea and heartburn (and therefore the drool) stay hydrated, eat small meals frequently, brush your teeth and use mouthwash, and suck on hard candy like lemon drops to keep the saliva moving in the right direction.

Voice changes: Like a 12-year-old boy going through puberty, you're not sure whose voice you're hearing when you talk. Sometimes, pregnancy will cause your vocal tone to drop an octave. The hormones can also give you a shortness of breath and change your posture (and diaphragm). Your vocal cords are quite vascular and tend to dilate during pregnancy, so don't strain yourself by trying to reach higher notes or volume. (via Osborne Head & Neck ENT)

>> Read more: Weird Facts About Pregnancy

These symptoms will fluctuate in severity throughout the pregnancy. The first trimester seems to get the worst rap because of the sudden surge of estrogen and progesterone. As the hormone production settles into a steady state, your body adjusts. The only true "cure" for these symptoms is giving birth. You'll forget all about it as soon as your newborn locks eyes with you.
