These Incredible Before and After Photos Make You Think Twice About Weight Loss

(Photo: Photo via Instagram/@m0reniita)Three years ago, Morena Diaz was 20 years old and suffering [...]

Photo via Instagram/@m0reniita
(Photo: Photo via Instagram/@m0reniita)

Three years ago, Morena Diaz was 20 years old and suffering from an eating disorder. After seeing an Instagrammer post about losing a significant amount of weight, she thought "I can do that too."

"I thought if she can do this, then I can do this, too. I started doing two to three hours of fitness a day and eating less and less," Diaz told The Huffington Post. "I saw myself as not thin enough and not fit enough. It was the beginning of an eating disorder."

morena diaz
(Photo: Photo via Instragram/@m0reniita)

Diaz says that she was working out for two to three hours every day, never seeing herself as thin or fit enough. Eventually, she was bingeing two to three times every day.

At the urging of her mom, Diaz sought help from a psychologist and therapy, where she began to improve her body image and her relationship with food.

Photo via Instagram/@m0reniita
(Photo: Photo via Instagram/@m0reniita)

Today, the Swiss 23-year-old teacher tells the tale of her body-positive transformation on her blog and with her 40,000 Instagram followers.

She posts about finding enjoyable exercise, loving the skin you're in, and even highlights specific body parts that she loves and is proud of.

Photo via Instagram/@m0reniita
(Photo: Photo via Instagram/@m0reniita)

"I think it's important to have people tell you that you are good enough — role models — which is why I started a blog," she said. "This body shows my lifestyle and my lifestyle is not extreme fitness. I enjoy eating pizza with my family, having a glass of wine with my boyfriend. Three years ago all I thought about was what I was eating for my next meal, and I was so tired and sad."

"I used to cry on the bathroom floor and ask myself what it would be like if I wasn't here anymore. I never thought I would become such a positive person like I am today," Diaz says. "It was a long, complicated process, and I know that I can eat anything and everything I like now."

We love seeing this body-positive #fitspo in our newsfeeds! Will you be giving Diaz's Instagram account a follow? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

>> Read more: 7 Body Positive Instagrams You're Not Following (But Should Be)