Healthy, Happy and HOT over the Holidays

It’s considered the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ but let’s be real- it can also be [...]

It's considered the 'most wonderful time of the year' but let's be real- it can also be one of the most challenging, tempting, and discouraging times too. From the excess of food and shopping to the lack of sleep and self-care, it's easy to feel a setback during the holidays.

This was me. I was obese, unhappy, and extremely depressed for the first 22 years of my life. Until one day, I decided I didn't want to be known as the girl who couldn't step away from the dessert table.

The holiday season is what sparked my motivation to lose 65 lbs. and these are the tips that helped me 'break-up' with the dessert table, for good.

Here are my three easy tips to stay healthy, happy, and HOT over the holidays.

1. Make Water Your Best Friend

(Photo: Shutterstock)

You've probably heard it a million times, but staying hydrated has so many benefits. Dehydration can lead to false hunger cues, which may be what's triggering you to devour the dessert table.

I drink a gallon of water every day, and at least eight ounces before any big meal with friends and family. This allows me to listen to my body and evaluate if I'm actually hungry, or just having a killer craving.

Our bodies are made up of 70% water and keeping up with hydration can help us stay healthy, and keep our bodies functioning properly. Water has been shown to help people sleep better, have more energy, get clearer skin, and keep focused on weight loss goals.

Long story short: drink water!

2. If You Fail to Plan…

meal prep
(Photo: Shutterstock)

You plan to fail. You've heard the saying, but for the next month, it's time to live by it.

We already know this is going to be a busy time, so be sure to have healthy meals prepared to allow for quick and easy food options. Otherwise, you might find yourself saying "can I have a #3 with fries and a soda, please?" too often. This was one of my biggest downfalls when losing weight: I was always too tired and unmotivated to cook healthy meals.

Once I realized how convenient meal prepping was, it became a regular occurence, and was extremely convenient for days when my schedule was jam-packed.

Keep meal prepping simple. Include lean protein, veggies, complex carbs, and a healthy source of fat in every meal, and you'll see the results it has on your physical appearance and mental clarity.

It's never too late to focus on what you're fueling your body with, even if your schedule is jam-packed this time of year.

3. Get up, get out, and be active.

(Photo: Shutterstock)

We all want to crash on the couch after eating a huge plate of mashed potatoes, but studies show that taking a brisk walk after a large meal can help digestion.

It can be challenging to stay motivated during the holiday season, but don't let the frozen temperatures or seasonal to-dos take priority over your health. Block off time in your weekly calendar to break a sweat and burn off those extra holiday calories.

Head to the gym, take a fitness class at a local studio, take your dog on a brisk walk, try an exercise video in your living room, or simply shovel the driveway. Get up, get out, and be active.

The holidays can be a difficult time to stay on track with your fitness goals, but if you follow these three easy tips, I promise you will reach your goals that much faster.

Kaelin Poulin is the founder of LadyBoss, a global weight loss movement that has helped more than 1.3 million women learn to love themselves and lose weight. Learn more about Kaelin's journey losing 65 lbs. and her adventure to motherhood by visiting