4 Workouts to Help You Get Beach Ready for Spring Break

Who’s ready for Spring Break? We are! Well, at least for the break and the warmer weather. But [...]

Who's ready for Spring Break? We are! Well, at least for the break and the warmer weather. But the real question is… are you beach ready? Don't panic, you've still got time to get some killer workouts in before you slip on that bathing suit and head for the ocean. Here are four ways to get the most out of your beach-ready Spring Break workouts.

Food Choices for Your Workouts

Let's first start the most crucial component to the success of any workout, your food choices. Starving yourself or cutting out entire sections of the food pyramid is just a bad idea, and can have serious implications to your overall health. So, be smart. Focus on lean protein, veggies and whole grains. If you're looking to cut things out, start with sugar and processed foods, they aren't doing you any favors.

(Photo: Shutterstock)

Beach-Ready Workouts

Now that you've done the research on healthy food choices to go with your beach-ready workouts, let's get started. The trick to seeing fast results from your workouts is sticking to it. What you need is high-intensity cardio, combined with strength training and stretching. For most people, the key to turning a workout into a daily habit is to keep from getting bored. Here are some tips that can help with that.

  • Workout With a Friend – It's harder to back out of a workout if you have a friend holding you accountable. Plus, it's just more fun if you have someone to share the pain and joy of success with!
  • Change Up Your Routine Daily – Instead of doing the same exercise day in and day out, pick three that interest you and rotate them throughout the week. This also gives certain areas of your body a chance to rest in between so you don't get burned out.
  • Track Your Progress – Everyone works better when there is a reward involved. Your reward can be feeling better and more energized, watching the number on the scale go down each week, seeing your muscles become more defined, and finally getting back into that pair of skinny jeans you've been keeping in the back of your closet as an incentive to get back in shape!

Okay, so let's get to work. We've created a list of our four favorite workouts, carefully selected to target all the key areas needed for a beach ready body. Go ahead, give them a try and let us know what you think!

  1. Interval Circuit Training – These workouts are great for keeping your attention. You'll do several different exercises for short periods of time, moving from each station to the next so you don't get bored. Hate dumbbell curls? Well, you only have to do them for 90 seconds before you get to move on to something you do like. Try this 30 minute online interval workout that doesn't even require any equipment!
  2. Vinyasa Yoga – Not all yoga is created equal. For an effective weight loss yoga workout, you'll want to focus on Vinyasa. This ancient practice is a full-body workout that stimulates core muscles. It also promotes mindfulness and reduces stress, two things that will seriously help you achieve success with your workouts. Plus, you can burn up to 450 calories in an hour! (Zumba is another fun way to burn calories – all while dancing along to your favorite Latin music in a group setting.)
  3. Bootcamp – There is a reason that bootcamp workouts have become so popular. They're fun and they get you results. You can probably find a bootcamp class near you, or create your own bootcamp at home. Bootcamp workouts are so effective because they combine intense cardio with resistance training. The key is short explosive bursts of exercise combined with short periods of rest.
  4. Home Barre Workout – Barre is a great overall body workout. You can join a barre class at a local studio near you, or try this free at-home barre workout. All you'll need is a yoga mat and either a barre on a stand, or a chair with a high back. It's a 50-minute workout that strengthens the whole body and even improves posture and flexibility.

So which workouts have been successful for you? We want to hear about it! Tell us in the comments below!


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