Disney and Sephora are teaming up once more for another run (after a similar combination a couple of years back) at specially designed Disney Princess-themed compacts. Coming September 15, 2015 at the Sephora in Downtown Disney and soon on Sephora.com, Anaheim, CA, the compact mirrors (no powder included) will be limited edition and sold only until March 2016, then gone forever, according to Trendmood.
The compacts feature Disney Princesses both classic and modern, reaching back to Aurora and Cinderella, and forward to Frozen‘s Elsa and Anna. At $32 each, they’re definitely more “collector’s items” than “daily use,” but wallets are sure to be emptied by these designer items. Check them all out below courtesy of the fashion blog, and check in with Sephora.com in the coming days to pick up your favorite princess.
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H/T SonsOfGeekery