Why Steve-O Backed Out of Planned 'Breast Implant' Stunt

Steve-O was prepared for the stunt until having some revelatory conversations.

Steve-O had been primed to take on breast implants as part of his next stunt, revealing his idea on the X5 Podcast back in July. According to Consequence, the Jackass star had gone as far as speaking to a doctor about the procedure and was "10 hours" from the surgery.

"The surgery was supposed to happen at eight in the morning. And 10:00 PM the night before, I got a call that the anesthesiologist backed out of it, because he found out that it was me doing it as a stunt," the performer explained. "And that kind of set off a chain reaction where the doctor didn't want to be associated with it anymore, and they were having trouble finding another surgery center to make it happen."

The Jackass alum said there were talks about smuggling him into Mexico at 6 a.m. and finding another country to get the surgery. It was then that he says the universe corrected his thinking.

"On the day that the scheduled surgery was supposed to happen, I was checking out at the supermarket. And the person ringing up my groceries was evidently transgender, and it struck me as a sign from the universe," Steve-O continued. "So I asked the transgender person if I could run something by them, and I had a conversation with this person that had a profound impact on me."

"I knew what my motivation was, I knew what my intention was, and it wasn't to be hurtful to anybody. I was just trying to get laughs. I had done a bunch of workshop shows to test out material, and I had a number of trans people come to me after the shows to voice support for [the stunt]," he added. "And I think some people would've been okay with it, and some people wouldn't have. It would've been a mixed bag...I just feel like the universe put this encounter before me, and ultimately I decided that the universe had intervened."

The Jackass star went into depth with his decision and what was told to him by the cashier who inspired him against it. He also revealed a few of the plans he had for after the surgery. Seems like the right decision in the end.