British comedian Tony Knight, best known to fans as the “Dog Listener,” has died after a tragic accident involving a falling tree branch. He was 54. According to Entertainment Weekly, a GoFundMe started by his partner’s sister confirmed the comedian’s passing.
Citing a report in French newspaper Le Tarn Libre, Entertainment Weekly notes that a pair of large tree branches struck the comedian and others attending the Rock & Cars Festival in Lavaur, France. Four others sustained injuries, according to the outlet.
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“Tony was tragically killed in his beloved France on Saturday 7th June following a terrible accident while attending the ‘Rock&Cars festival’ in Lavaur. He was only 54 and having the time of his life,” Joanne Allen wrote about Knight on GoFundMe. “He was fit, healthy, happy and had everything going for him. He was charismatic, funny, passionate and so very loved by Hayley, his family and his friends all over the world.”
A major reason for the GoFundMe page is to support Knight’s widow and to assist in covering funeral costs. “Hayley is now living her worst nightmare and facing life without Tony…her soulmate,” the fundraiser page reads. “She is in Bouillac having to deal with the difficulties of Tony being an Englishman with Australian residency living in France, arranging a funeral, covering hospital expenses, meeting police detectives, doctors and the mayor, visiting the accident site and sorting Tony’s estate, all while experiencing a crushing amount of grief and disbelief in a foreign country.”
Knight’s death would definitely be considered a freak accident. To add salt to the wounds, Knight had only started his annual vacation to France when the accident happened. Knight and his partner were together for 15 years before the accident.