It has been a few days since Glee actor Naya Rivera disappeared after spending time at Lake Piru with her four-year-son Josey. Her son was seen alone in the boat that they rented together, which prompted authorities to search for Rivera. In light of this tragic news, fans have flocked to one of Rivera’s most recent Instagram posts, including one in which she posed with Josey and captioned the photo with, “just the two of us.” As Pop Crush noted, there is even a majorly tragic connection between that phrase and Eminem’s 1997 song “Bonnie and Clyde,” which chronicles the supposed murder of a young mother who ends up at the “bottom of the lake.”
While “just the two of us” is indeed a common phrase, Pop Crush did point out the connection between Rivera’s use of it and Eminem’s song in light of the news about the Glee star. Eminem raps on the track, “Just the two of us. C’mon hai-hai, we goin’ to the beach / Grab a couple of toys and let da-da strap you in the car seat / Oh where’s mama? She’s takin a little nap in the trunk/ Oh that smell (whew!) / Da-da musta runned over a skunk.” He continued, “Now I know what you’re thinkin’, it’s kind of late to go swimmin.’ But you know your mama, she’s one of those type of women / That do crazy things, and if she don’t get her way, she’ll throw a fit. And mama said she wants to show how far she can float. Da-da made a nice bed for mommy at the bottom of the lake.” Now, it’s unlikely that Rivera was making the connection to Eminem’s song in her caption, but it does serve as a rather tragic coincidence.
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Rivera went missing on Wednesday following a trip to Lake Piru with her son. After Josey was seen sleeping alone in the boat that they rented, authorities began to search for Rivera. Josey has since been safely reunited with his father, Rivera’s ex-husband, Ryan Dorsey. Unfortunately, they have now classified the search for the actor as a “recovery” mission. Speculators should note that authorities do not believe that Rivera died by suicide, as some initially speculated. Instead, they think that this was a “tragic accident.” Sgt. Kevin Donoghue told PEOPLE, “We interviewed her son, and there was nothing that we learned from her son that would have suggested that this was suicide. Everything that we’ve learned so far leads to this being some sort of water recreational accident.” As for what actually happened to Rivera, authorities are unsure as they are still investigating and searching for her at Lake Piru.