Liam Hemsworth Reveals Spooky Photo of 'All That's Left' of His House With Miley Cyrus: 'Love'

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth lost their home after the Woolsey Fire tore through Southern [...]

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth lost their home after the Woolsey Fire tore through Southern California in recent days, the couple one of many to suffer devastating damage after a group of fires swept through the state.

On Tuesday, Hemsworth used Instagram to share a photo of what's left of the pair's home, posting a haunting image of debris scattered on the ground. Among the wreckage is a large sign reading "Love," the letters now charred but still intact as they lay in formation.

In his caption, Hemsworth thanked the fire fighters who battled the blaze and praised the community of Malibu for its resilience.

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(Photo: Instagram / @liamhemsworth)

"It's been a heartbreaking few days," he wrote. "This is what's left of my house. Love. Many people in Malibu and surrounding areas in California have lost their homes also and my heart goes out to everyone who was affected by these fires. I spent the day in Malibu yesterday and it was amazing to see the community pulling together to help each other out in any way they can. Malibu is a strong community and this event is only going to make it stronger."

The actor continued, "Thankful for the all the great local guys that helped keep smaller fires out around my property. I love u guys. I love you Malibu. Thank you to all the hero firefighters around California. It's going to be a journey to rebuild. Stay strong all.

Hemsworth also offered fans a way to help the victims of the fire, concluding, "To help/donate visit @malibufoundation and @happyhippiefdn."

On Monday, Hemsworth and his brother Luke Hemsworth visited the home and were seen riding on a utility vehicle and wearing masks to protect them from the air quality in the area.

Cyrus first revealed the fate of her and Liam's home on Twitter on Sunday, Nov. 11.

"Completely devestated [sic] by the fires affecting my community," she wrote. "I am one of the lucky ones. My animals and LOVE OF MY LIFE made it out safely & that's all that matters right now. My house no longer stands but the memories shared with family & friends stand strong. I am grateful for all I have left. Sending so much love and gratitude to the firefighters and LA country Sheriff's department! If you are interested in getting involved see next tweet.... Donate $ , Time , Supplies. I love you more than ever, Miley."

She also encouraged fans to aid in relief efforts and shared multiple links to donate.

Photo Credit: Getty / Presley Ann