Mariska Hargitay is stepping back into the shoes of her Law & Order: SVU character Olivia Benson alongside a new series regular. In an Instagram video, the actress posted two videos welcoming Demore Barnes to the long-running show as he portrays Deputy Chief Christian Garland. However, in the first Instagram video Hargitay posted, she bumped her knee pretty hard on something, resulting in her laughing and putting the phone down as she was clearly in pain. She then posted a second video welcoming her new co-star while sitting down.
Using hashtags, she captioned her post saying, “I kneed to make a joint announcement” and clarified that she removed her mask just for the video. “Hey everyone. Captain Benson checking in here from behind-the-scenes at SVU and I just wanted to officially congratulate our new series regular Demore Barnes,” she started the video while welcoming Barnes into the frame.
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Continuing to express how “thrilled” she is to welcome him and how happy they are to have him on set, she hit her knee and screamed out, “Ow! That was my knee!” before laughing and putting the phone down.
In the second video, Hargitay rocks a slightly different look while clarifying that they’re sitting down. She started with, “Let’s try that again. This time I’m sitting down” as she welcomed him once again.
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The NBC drama is back for Season 22 and the cast and crew seem thrilled to safely be back on set for work again. Barnes was introduced early last season and had a recurring role appearing on more than one-third of the seasons’ episodes. Barnes, who was born in Canada, is wrapping up his last year as a series narrator for American Gods. He also starred in the limited series Waco and has been apart of the DC Universe on Titans and The Flash, along with Supernatural on the CW network.
In September, Hargitay surprised her followers with another behind-the-scenes look at her first day back on set to start filming the new season. Several of her fans took to the comment section to express their excitement. Dressed in a mask, the longtime actress is sitting in a chair getting her hair done.