
Kris Jenner’s Ex Bodyguard Adds Assault Allegation to Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

One of Kris Jenner’s former bodyguards has added new allegations in his lawsuit against the […]

One of Kris Jenner‘s former bodyguards has added new allegations in his lawsuit against the reality star. According to The Blast, the former bodyguard, Marc McWilliams, alleged that Jenner groped him in the “genital area” while the two were driving around in her Bentley. These new allegations come several months after McWilliams first claimed that he was subject to “a pattern of unwanted and unwelcome sexual advances” and “harassing misconduct” while Jenner employed him.

The Blast obtained new legal documents in this case. In those documents, McWilliams added an allegation in an amended complaint to the lawsuit that he initially filed against Jenner. The former bodyguard claims that he was asked to accompany Jenner to a meeting and that, while sitting in her vehicle, she allegedly began to grope him while riding in the front seat. McWilliams described the alleged incident in detail, stating, “At approximately 8:35 a.m. on the morning of October 22, 2017, while working in his regular work duties, (He) received a text message from (Jenner) requesting that he accompany her from her home to an appointment in Calabasas, California scheduled for 10:00 a.m. that morning.” He continued to claim that he was directed by Jenner to “enter her Bentley automobile and sit in the front passenger seat while (she) was driving the vehicle.”

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He claims that at some point during this alleged incident that she started making overtly sexual comments, and “caused her right hand to move up the upper inner left thigh and groin area, while caressing (him.)” McWilliams claims that he then attempted to “shift away” from the groping, but Jenner continued with her right hand coming into contact with his “inner groin and genital area.” Elsewhere in the legal documents, McWilliams claims that he has suffered “severe emotional distress” as a result of his tenure working for Jenner. He claims that he now suffers from great physical pain and suffering including “loss of sleep, anxiety, depression, headaches, and other physical symptoms.”

McWilliams initially accused Jenner of sexual harassment in October 2020. At the time, the former bodyguard said that he was hired as a security guard in 2017 to watch over Jenner and her family. He alleged that while working for Jenner, he was subject to a pattern of “unwanted and unwelcome sexual advances.” He is suing both Jenner for these allegations and Kourtney Kardashian. As for Kardashian, he claims that she is responsible for what he is alleging is retaliation in regards to this matter. In response to these allegations, Jenner’s attorney, Marty Singer, released a statement in which they denied all of the lawsuit’s claims.

“Kris Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian vehemently deny the completely false claims made by former security guard Marc McWilliams. His absurd allegations are clearly fabricated and are contrary to easily confirmed facts,” Singer said. “Kris never acted inappropriately toward him. The security company stopped assigning McWilliams to work there after the guard was repeatedly caught sleeping in his car on the job.” Singer added, “Significantly, McWilliams never made any complaints to his employer about Kris until contriving this ludicrous claim a year late.” When it comes to Kardashian, the attorney said, “she is not accused of doing anything improper, nor did she do so.”