Kanye West sent his fans into a tizzy following his Twitter spree on Monday night. The rapper posted an array of tweets aimed at his wife, Kim Kardashian, and his mother-in-law, Kris Jenner. In messages that have since been deleted, West seemingly shamed Kardashian and Jenner over some of their past business decisions, including the reality star’s decision to pose for Playboy and her infamous sex tape.
It’s unclear exactly what led to West’s Twitter outburst, but he did make it abundantly clear that he wasn’t too happy with Kardashian and Jenner. At one point, he wrote, “I put my life on the line for my children that North’s mother would never sell her sex rape [sic].” He then went on to share that he has an issue with Playboy, writing that he would never let his eldest daughter, North West, pose for the outlet like her mother did. For reference, the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star posed for the magazine in 2007, about four years before she and West began dating. He wrote, “I put my life on my God that Norths mom would never photograph her doing playboy and that’s on God.” West went on to share that the children that he shares with Kardashian โ North, Saint, Chicago, and Psalm โ “will never do playboy.” The message came alongside a photo of the rapper with his four kids.
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West children will never do playboy west pic.twitter.com/HkhaDSFGxD
โ ye (@kanyewest) July 21, 2020
West’s Twitter tirade came one day after he held his first campaign rally in South Carolina, weeks after he announced that he was running for president. During the rally, he shared some unorthodox claims about Harriet Tubman and also commented on some very personal matters related to his family. He told the crowd that he and his wife had considered abortion when they found out they were expecting their first child. A day after he made those comments, PEOPLE reported that Kardashian was “furious” over the fact that her husband shared their personal business publicly. “Kim is shocked that Kanye spoke about North at the rally,” a source told the publication. “She is furious that he shared something so private. She loves her kids tremendously and wants to protect them.”
PEOPLE also reported that Kardashian has been trying to get West help “for weeks” now. The rapper even made mention of his wife’s concerns on Twitter on Monday night. He wrote (in a tweet that has since been deleted) that “Kim was trying to fly to Wyoming with a doctor to lock me up like on the movie Get Out because I cried about saving my daughters life yesterday.” He also said that if he was “locked up like [Nelson] Mandela,” then the world would know why.