See the Obituary of Julia Louis-Dreyfus' Sister Emma

Julia Louis-Dreyfus' Sister Emma Louis-Dreyfus was found dead of a reported drug and alcohol [...]

Julia Louis-Dreyfus' Sister Emma Louis-Dreyfus was found dead of a reported drug and alcohol overdose, and her obituary is now available to read.

As reported in the San Francisco Chronicle, Emma died on Aug. 13 while camping with some friends in Nevada County, California. The Daily Mail later reported that the local coroner ruled her death an accidental overdose, citing cocaine and alcohol that was found in her system.

Her obituary was posted on Aug. 24 and revealed that she and the Seinfeld actress shared a father — William Louis-Dreyfus — but that they had different mothers.

"Emma lived in Oakland and worked in San Mateo County. Raised a New Yorker, the Bay Area became her adoptive home since moving to San Francisco in 1998," the obituary read. "Emma loved the city life and she also loved the countryside, particularly the Sierra Nevada and Teton mountains. One of her favorite weekend getaways was the Yuba River. It was along that river where Emma died of an apparent seizure while camping with friends near Purdon Crossing."

Emma was born in New York and attended grade school there, later going on to study psychology and graduate from Brown University with a bachelor's degree.

"Emma was a large presence despite her short stature, filling rooms with her exuberance and irreverent laugh. Dinner party games were a must with her. Favorites included charades, cards, Balderdash, Twister, Monopoly," the obituary added. "She enjoyed the camaraderie and the competition of playing sports (soccer, touch-football, tennis, softball), drank Tab and always had gumballs and Werther's in her bag to hand out."

"A brilliant, progressive thinker and supporter of social justice, Emma's desire to help those in need is what led her to complete a Masters in Social Welfare degree in 2002 from the University of California, Berkeley," the obituary continued. "Outside of work, Emma loved to hike, camp, ski and travel. Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru. In Barcelona, she watched Spain win the 2010 World Cup with a friend. With her mother, she traveled through Asia."

Starting a career as a social worker, Emma recently "worked as a bilingual clinician, fluent in Spanish, for the StarVista and Community Well organizations in the Bay Area."

"Emma adored children, especially her niece and nephews, and was an ardent animal lover, which included her beloved dogs: the late Eisadora (Eisa), whom she shared an email address with, and Obatunde (Oba)," the obituary continued. "Eisa was known for stealing sandwiches in Golden Gate Park – Emma was known for buying new ones to replace them."

Emma was 44 years old at the time of her death. Read her full obituary published by the San Francisco Chronicle here.