Jamie Spears Speaks out After Being Ousted as Britney's Conservator

Jamie Spears was removed as the conservator for his daughter Britney, and he has now spoken out about the situation. In a statement issued to the press by Spears' lawyer, Vivian L. Thoreen, the pop star's father stated that he "loves his daughter Britney unconditionally" and "for thirteen years, he has tried to do what is in her best interests, whether as a conservator or her father."

The statement continued, "This started with agreeing to serve as her conservator when she voluntarily entered into the conservatorship. This included helping her revive her career and re-establish a relationship with her children. For anyone who has tried to help a family member dealing with mental health issues, they can appreciate the tremendous amount of daily worry and work this required. For Mr. Spears, this also meant biting his tongue and not responding to all the false, speculative, and unsubstantiated attacks on him by certain members of the public, media, or more recently, Britney's own attorney. These facts make the outcome of yesterday's hearing all the more disappointing, and frankly, a loss for Britney."

This week, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny — who has been overseeing the case — approved John Zabel C.P.A. to be the temporary conservator of Britney's estate, as requested by her attorney, Mathew Rosengart. The judge cited a "toxic environment" as the basis for the decision, which she believes to be "in the best interest of Britney Spears," per GMA. In response, Spears' legal council criticized the choice by arguing that Spears does not believe Zabel is qualified to handle Britney's estate.

"Respectfully, the court was wrong to suspend Mr. Spears, put a stranger in his place to manage Britney's estate, and extend the very conservatorship that Britney begged the court to terminate earlier this summer," the statement added. "Again, it was Mr. Spears who took the initiative to file the petition to terminate the conservatorship when neither Britney's former court-appointed counsel nor her new privately-retained attorney would do so. It was Mr. Spears who asked the court at yesterday's hearing to immediately terminate the conservatorship while Britney's own attorney argued against it."

Finally, the statement concluded, "Despite the suspension, Mr. Spears will continue to look out for the best interests of his daughter and work in good faith towards a positive resolution of all matters." Britney has been trying to have her conservatorship ended for some time now, with the process finally being fast-tracked once Rosengart stepped in over the summer. The beloved pop star is now much closer than ever to having the conservatorship ended for good.