Sadie Robertson broke her silence on the announcement of her grandfather’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis, sharing her feelings on the coverage and the reality of the situation. As she writes on social media, her tears were kept flowing once the coverage started to pour in online.
“Seeing all of the articles go out yesterday about my grandpa’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis has kept my tears flowing… something about it being public makes it even more real,” Robertson wrote on social media. ” I’ve been thinking today about our life being so public…. In moments like this, it can feel overwhelming for such bad news to be such public news.
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“But you know what? I’m genuinely so thankful my family chose to make our life public because of how incredible it is that so many people know my grandpa!” she added. Phil Robertson’s diagnosis was announced on the latest episode of Robertson’s podcast.
Jase Robertson informed listeners that the Alzheimer’s diagnosis is only the latest ailment for his father, noting he was also diagnosed with a blood disease on top of the horrible brain disorder. But his granddaughter managed to highlight the double-edged nature of the situation.
“Y’all got to see the way he lived his life! I’m so glad that so many people have been able to learn from his faith and his love for his family. I’m so proud to be his granddaughter. I’m so proud to have learned how to love the word, honor the word, and teach the word from him,” she wrote. “I’m so glad that I grew up in a family where it was completely normal for strangers to have a meal in our home, and get baptized in the river before they left because to Papaw Phil that was just natural!”
She closes her post by explaining why she chose her specific photo and how he touched so many over the years.

“I wanted to post this picture of me literally looking up to Papaw Phil because as ‘impressive’ as his ministry has become in that he has spoken to millions and millions… the most impressionable thing to me was how he ministered to every single person who stepped in his door and sat on the couch beside his iconic chair,” she writes. “Sad for the days we are in, but grateful for the days we’ve had…I’ve never rewatched Duck Dynasty until now, and its really special in a whole new way to me.”