Debra Messing Says She'd Rather Be Stuck in Elevator With Donald Trump Than Susan Sarandon

Debra Messing has thrown some serious shade at Susan Sarandon, saying that she would rather be [...]

Debra Messing has thrown some serious shade at Susan Sarandon, saying that she would rather be stuck in an elevator with Donald Trump than the iconic actress.

Us Weekly reports that while appearing on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen a viewer asked Messing who she would rather share an elevator ride with, to which Messing replied, "I think Trump."

While her response may seem a bit surprising, there is a backstory that sums it all up.

In September, Variety posted a video clip of an interview with Sarandon where they credited her with saying that "Donald Trump has, if anything, inspired more women and people of color to run for office."

Messing took issue with this notion and began tweeting to Sarandon to share her disapproval. "[Shut the f— up] SUSAN. Oh yes, PLEASE let's give Trump CREDIT. I mean how else are you able to walk out on the street," Messing's diatribe began.

"Convince yourself that that this CATASTROPHE of a President who you said was better that HRC IS NOT ripping children away from parents seeking asylum, holding children … INDEFINITELY in internment camps with their new policy DESTROYING all attempts to protect our environment (yes the water you properted to care about), endangered animals, taking away women's ACCESS to health care and legal abortion, trying to block POC from Voting with extreme Judges who will support jerrymandering efforts, not to mention destroying ALL good will and allied relationships across the Globe," she went on to write.

Sarandon later replied, explained that the caption on the video did not accurately depict the statement that she actually made.

"Debs, before you get yourself all self-righteous try clicking on the video and listening to what I actually say, not [Variety's] clickbait headline, which [by the way] has no quotation marks," she tweeted. "That's a clue..."

"I understand why [Variety's] clickbait headline would be upsetting, but after you actually watch the video, you'll see that's not what I said," Sarandon added in a follow up tweet. "Now that you're riled up, use that energy to call Collins, Murkowski & those Dem Senators still on the fence & tell them to #StopKavanaugh."

As Messing alluded to in her tweets, the whole feud between the two goes back to the 2016 presidential election, when Sarandon made some remarks about Hillary Clinton that Messing felt were disparaging. It seems the two have yet to settle their differences.