Britney Spears Makes Plea to Fans After Police Called to Her House

Britney Spears has a message for her fans after police performed a welfare check at the pop star's home when she deactivated her Instagram and fans grew concerned. In a post on Twitter, Spears referred to the calls as a "prank," and asked fans to stop interfering with her privacy. "As everyone knows the police were called to my home based on some prank phone calls," she wrote. "I love and adore my fans but this time things went a little too far and my privacy was invaded."

"The police never entered my home and when they came to my gate they quickly realized there was no issue and left immediately," Spears went on to write. "This felt like I was being gaslit and bullied once the incident made it to the news and being portrayed once again in a poor and unfair light by the media. During this time in my life, I truly hope the public and my fans who I care so much about can respect my privacy moving forward." The singer then signed her message, "All the love, B."

While Spears has deactivated her account multiple times in the past, TMZ reported that fans were alarmed by her most recent social media silence. Some of them then reached out to authorities asking for a wellness check. Sheriff's department officers stopped by Spears' home and determined that she was not in any danger or crisis.

More than a year ago, in Nov. 2021, Spears' controversial longtime conservatorship officially ended, bringing to a close more than a decade of the singer not being legally allowed to make certain types of autonomous decisions for herself, including those regarding her health and finances. "As of today, effective immediately, the conservatorship has been terminated as both the person and the estate," Rosengart said outside the courthouse, per CNN, after the ruling was made. "This is a monumental day for Britney Spears. What's next for Britney, and this is the first time this could be said for about a decade, is up to one person, Britney."

Rosengart later came out and called for Spears' father, Jamie, to be investigated for how he managed his daughter's conservatorship over the years. "I used to be a federal prosecutor, now I'm just a private attorney," Rosengart stated, according to Vulture. "I don't have criminal investigative powers. What happens [from] there will be up to law enforcement." Rosengart went on to accuse Jamie of giving himself a massive salary for being Spears' conservator. "He took a salary from the estate," the lawyer claimed. "He took a percentage of his daughter's earnings in Las Vegas and otherwise."