Former Jackass star Bam Margera pleaded guilty to two counts of disorderly conduct on Wednesday, June 26. Approximately a year after Margera, 43, was arrested and charged with assaulting his brother, Jess, and threatening other family members, TMZ confirmed that Margera took a plea deal just before his trial was set to begin.
Margera reportedly accepted the plea deal to avoid frequent court appearances, as his schedule is currently busy. Under the terms of the plea deal, Margera pleaded guilty to two counts of disorderly conduct, with the Chester County Attorney confirming that the star was three months probation for each count, six months total. He will also be subject to random drug testing. Addressing the development, Margera’s attorney Michael T. van der Veen said, “This is basically a noise violation. He really got nothing more than a traffic ticket.”
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The plea deal closed the book on a year-long case that began in July 2023 while Margera was on a two-week visit to his family’s Chester County, Pennsylvania home. Pennsylvania State Police confirmed at the time that officers responded to a disturbance call near Pocopson Township. When they arrived at the scene, an alleged victim, later confirmed to be Jess, accused Margera of being involved in a physical and verbal confrontation, with Margera allegedly hitting his brother several times.
The incident allegedly began when Margera urinated in the kitchen sink and eventually turned physical. Margera also allegedly threatened to kill his brother, father, and two women in the home. The Jackass alum reportedly left a letter on his brother’s bedroom door reading, “If you even f-ing think of calling the police on me I will officially f- you up.”
By the time officers arrived at the scene, Margera had fled into the woods. An arrest warrant was issued for Margera, who initially faced four counts of terroristic threats with intent to terrorize another, one count of simple assault, and one count of harassment while subjecting another to physical contact. Margera later turned himself in to the police.
The terroristic threat charges were dropped against Margera during a July 2023 hearing, during which Jess told the judge, per ABC 6, that this brother was “a good dude when he’s not messed up… I just want him to get the help because I feel like this is our last chance.” During the same hearing, Margera told the judge he was getting drug and alcohol treatment.
During the Wednesday hearing, Margera’s mother offered an update on the former MTV star, sharing that Margera is “doing really well and we want him to keep going and get this behind him, really. But we all love him and we just want him to do great.” Chester County District Attorney Christoper de Barrena-Sarobe, who confirmed that the plea deal Margera received is common, added, “we want to make sure Bam can get the help that he needs. We want to see Mr. Margera have accountability on the back end so that he can achieve the sobriety and that he can really be accountable to his family and his community.”