'90s Disney Star Ripped for Calling His Daughters 'Dishwashers': Bug Hall Facing Controversy

The former 'Little Rascals' star is courting some controversy with these comments.

Former Little Rascals star Brand "Bug" Hall is under fire online after dropping a quip on social media that his newborn son is his "heir" and his oldest daughters were "dishwashers." According to the New York Post, Hall announced the birth of his son by claiming he now had an heir, a fifth child and first son named Mark Athanasius Chad Anthony Hall-Barnett.

Hall played Alfalfa Switzer in the 1994 film based on the classic early film shorts. He also had roles in The Big Green, The Stupids, and a variety of projects until leaving the industry in 2020. He converted to Catholicism in 2013 and seemed to allow that to fuel his life.

Hall maintained that it was a joke and that he made it to his wife while in labor. "I made the same joke to my wife while she was in labor. We both had a good laugh. Hard as it is for you to comprehend, most normal people are still rich in humor and joy," he wrote. "Stay miserable, curmudgeon."

He also explained the name choices, noting that the hyphen in the name is due to his decision to keep his professional name at the time. "I legally took my step father's last name before I got married, because I wanted to honor him by giving my family his name. He's a great man who raised me from a toddler," he wrote. "At the time I didn't think it was good idea to get rid of my professional name, hence the hyphen."

The former actor has been married since 2017 and describes himself as a "medieval moralist" and a "patriot" while also being the patriarch to "5 ladies." He was arrested in 2020 for allegedly inhaling an air duster to get high, the same year he left the entertainment industry.

Hall and his family moved to a farm in the Midwest, taking a reported vow of poverty. Quite the strange situation, possibly made stranger by the social media aspect of it all.