Why Royal Family Fans Are Convinced Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Pregnancy Is Fake

There may not be a royal baby on the way after all. According to some royal watchers-turned [...]

There may not be a royal baby on the way after all. According to some royal watchers-turned conspiracy theorists, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are not expecting, and the Duchess of Sussex's growing baby bump is all just a ruse.

The "fake pregnancy" theory, which is not backed by any royal insiders, was sparked just after Kensington Palace announced on Oct. 15 that the royal couple were expecting, and eagle-eyed royal watchers have pointed to a number of things in the months since that they claim points to Markle's pregnancy belly being entirely fake and similar to those worn by actresses playing pregnant women on TV.

"Is it just me or does meghan markle's bump look fake," one person questioned.

Others even point to "facts" of it being a fake belly, such as the placement of Markle's belly button.

"Her belly button is placed between her ribs?!?! What is this nonsense?!?! How can someone think this deformed bump is real?!?! Is everyone blind??? #RealLifeBirdBox #Moonbump #ItsFakeForHeavensSake," one person pointed out.

Another believer went even further, sharing pictures with notes to prove their point.

But it is not just the peculiar nature of the baby bump that has people convinced. Others have pointed to everything from the way in which the Duchess constantly cradles her belly to the way in which she bends down.

"6 months pregnant and she bends this low without batting an eyelid. Yes, #Meghan, we believe you are pregnant! #DuchessOfDeceit," one person wrote.

Some believe that the pregnancy is only partially fake, and that Harry and Markle have instead chosen to welcome their first child via surrogacy, though in an attempt to cover up the way in which their little prince or princess was conceived, Markle has donned a fake baby bump.

"Some believe Prince Harry & Meghan are using a surrogate as she previously told her ex-husband she could not get pregnant," one person alleged on Twitter.

If the conspiracy theories are right, then the Duke and Duchess are going to extreme measures to cover up the lie. The royal couple recently announced that, in an attempt to offer themselves privacy as they welcome their little prince or princess, they would be moving out of Kensington Palace to instead live nearly an hour away at Frogmore Cottage in Windsor.

Their new home is currently under renovation in preparation for their arrival in the spring, and a nursery is reportedly in the works, with the parents-to-be having chosen a neutral color scheme of grays and whites. The Sussex's have also reportedly selected a hospital to give birth, straying away from the tradition of welcoming a royal at St. Mary's Lindo Wing to instead give birth at Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey.