Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak recently shared a sweet home video of a father-daughter dance with his daughter Maggie, ahead of Father’s Day. In a new video shared to the Wheel of Fortune Twitter page, Sajak and Maggie sat down for chat about the week’s episodes, which will feature all dad contestants. As they talked, Sajak shared that he’d dug up a video of when he took his daughter to a father-daughter dance.
In the clip, young Maggie is overjoyed to be getting ready for the dance with her dad and hurriedly prepares for their fun night. After the clip ended, Sajak joked that most of the daughters at the dance ran off and left their fathers, but that Maggie stayed with him and kept dancing. The pair then shared a more recent family photo, showing the Sajak’s attending a sports event together. Later in the video, Sajak opens up about how in the early days of Wheel of Fortune, he was so busy with both the show and raising his family that he didn’t fully comprehend the impact that the show had on fans until he was older.
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.@PatSajak & @MaggieSajak have lots of memories together, and theyโre here to share a few with you! โค๏ธ Watch the exclusive chat right now and we’ll see you tonight for Fatherโs Day Week on Wheel. ๐ pic.twitter.com/ZeavRIdTLn
โ Wheel of Fortune (@WheelofFortune) June 7, 2021
In some sad Sajak family news, the longtime game show host shared Monday that their dog Stella died. During Wheel of Fortune, Sajak took a moment to memorialize Stella, who was part of their family for 12 years. “We recently had to say goodbye to Stella,” Sajak said at the end of the broadcast. “It was a very sad time for the Sajak family.”
“We’re gonna miss her,” Sajak added, as photos of the late pup were shown on-screen. “She was a good friend.” Many Wheel of Fortune fans took to social media to express their support and sorrow over the news about Stella. “Hi Pat- sorry to hear about your dog Stella who recently passed,” one fan wrote. “She looked like a beautiful dog. Thanks for providing a good home for her.”
“Sorry to hear about you losing your dog. Dog is a man’s best friend,” another fan tweeted. “My dog Buddy is 17. Husky and Golden Retriever mix. I’m not looking forward to him leaving. I know the time is coming. He’s getting old. Prayers to you and your family Pat.”