Caitlyn Jenner Miscounts Her Grandkids in 'I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!' Clip

Caitlyn Jenner seemed to miscount her grandkids during her recent appearance on I'm a Celebrity... [...]

Caitlyn Jenner seemed to miscount her grandkids during her recent appearance on I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! and fans are still laughing. The former Olympian's head count was over by at least two, and fans are wondering whether she made a mistake, or she knows something that they do not.

Jenner has a huge family to account for, and fans are ready to give her a pass for mixing up her math. However, they are also prone to speculate when she says something potentially interesting about her famous daughters.

That was the case on I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! where Jenner said: "Coming up this December, I'll have 20 [grandkids]."

Doing a quick count, Jenner actually has seven biological grandkids, with two more on the way in December. These include Kylie Jenner's daughter, Stormi Webster, Cassandra Marino's three children, Burt Jenner's two children, and Brandon Jenner's daughter, Eva James. Brandon and his girlfriend Cayley Stoker have twins on the way as well, with a due date in early 2020.

Of course, Jenner was probably counting the children of her step-children, the Kardashians as well, since she spent more than two decades married to Kris Jenner. Kourtney Kardashian has three children, Kim Kardashian has four, Rob Kardashian has one daughter and Khloe Kardashian has one so far.

This still leaves the grandchild total at 16 right now, and 18 when Brandon's twins are born. Fans are now wondering if Jenner might have just let slip a secret one or more of her children were guarding for the time being.

There are several likely culprits for a secret pregnancy in Jenner's family. Fans expect Khloe and Kylie to have more children relatively soon, for example, and Kanye West has said that he wants to have more kids with Kim, although she does not seem to share his enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Kendall Jenner still has yet to have any children.

On the other hand, many fans were willing to believe that Jenner simply miscounted in this case. At 70 years old, she has a lot of names and faces to keep track of, and 20 is not such a huge jump from 18. She could have been exaggerating, or rounding up for convenience.

It is also worth noting that the jump from 18 to 20 grandkids would require either simultaneous pregnancies or another set of twins, both of which seem improbable given the timing. However, stranger things have certainly happened for the Kardashian-Jenner family.

I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! is airing now in the U.K. and Australia. Right now, there is no easy way to stream or purchase the series in the U.S., though highlight clips are going up on social media in real time.