Julie Chrisley Will Be Resentenced in Bank Fraud Case

She was found to not have been involved in the original crimes.

Chrisley Knows Best alum Julie Chrisley can breathe a sigh of relief. Her seven-year prison sentence for tax evasion and bank fraud has been vacated. A federal ruling says it's due to insufficient evidence. She and her husband, Todd, are currently serving separate sentences. She'll be resentenced to a lower court. Todd is serving 12 years and also appealing.

A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the convictions of Julie, her husband, and their accountant Peter Tarantino. However, it was discovered that the original trial judge miscalculated Julie's sentence in 2022. PEOPLE obtained records that show that Julie was held responsible for the entire bank fraud scheme, which dates back to 2006. The judges found insufficient evidence to prove that she was involved before 2007, with the judges not finding "any specific evidence showing she was involved in 2006."

"The problem is that we have not located the evidence the district court relied on in adopting that finding," the judges wrote in Friday's ruling. "Our review of the record hasn't revealed evidence to show, even by a preponderance of the evidence, that [Julie] was involved in 2006. Indeed, the government's brief concedes that the evidence shows Julie 'participated in the bank fraud conspiracy from 2007,' not 2006," the judges added.

The Chrisleys' attorney released a statement on the husband and wife's differing appeal outcomes. "We're pleased that the Court agreed that Julie's sentence was improper, but we're obviously disappointed that it rejected Todd's appeal," attorney Alex Little said. "With this step behind us, we can now challenge the couple's convictions based on the illegal search that started the case," Little added. "The family appreciates the continued support they've received throughout this process. And they're hopeful for more good news in the future." 

The Chrisleys have always maintained their innocence. Todd has been vocal about deplorable living conditions in his prison.