Ben Affleck Attends Church With Jennifer Garner Amid Ongoing Treatment for Addiction

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner reportedly attended a church service together on Sunday as [...]

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner reportedly attended a church service together on Sunday as Affleck's alcoholism treatment continues.

The former couple was seen together at the United Methodist Church in Los Angeles, in photos published by Us Weekly. They left the church in dark sunglasses, staggering their steps just slightly. Affleck looked casual in suede boots, jeans and a blue bomber jacket over a white t-shirt. He also carried a disposable cup of water in one hand.

By contrast, Garner was dressed a bit more formally in grey slacks with a black top, a simple golden necklace hanging over it. She even wore high heeled black shoes, and her hair was arranged in a neat bun.

The church service was a refreshingly positive encounter for the exes, especially after Affleck's recent struggles. Just over a month ago, Garner reportedly staged an intervention for Affleck, bringing along a sober coach to try and pursuade him to seek treatment for alcoholism. Before long, Affleck was in a rehabilitation center.

Since then, sources close to Affleck have said that he is taking recovery very seriously. The actor has reportedly been painfully honest about his addiction, speaking frankly and openly and prioritizing his health over everything.

When Affleck first emerged from his 30-day treatment, a source said he "seems to be taking things more seriously this time. He feels really bad and sorry about doing this because of the kids."

Another insider said that recovery "is all that matters to him right now," adding, "Ben is not shy about his issues around addiction, particularly since he made that conversation public."

Affleck and Garner were married for 10 years until they split in June of 2015. They did not get around to filing for divorce until April of 2017, and the process still has not been finalized, as a source close to Garner has said that she wants to give Affleck "the opportunity to work on his health and sobriety" first. Therefore, their lives remain completely intertwined, especially because of their children.

Affleck and Garner share three children together — 12-year-old Violet, 9-year-old Seraphina and 6-year-old Sam. They have shown a distinct focus on effective co-parenting, putting that far above their plans to separate.

Affleck's trip to rehab came just days after he broke up with Lindsay Shookus, a producer on Saturday Night Live. The two dated for more than a year, though he was seen with other women at times as well.