
4-Year-Old Girl Swept Clean Off Her Feet By Powerful Ohio Winds

This has got to be the scariest thing for a parent to witness. A 4-year-old girl was swept off her […]

This has got to be the scariest thing for a parent to witness. A 4-year-old girl was swept off her feet by fierce winds in Northeast Ohio Wednesday when a gust hit a door that the toddler was trying to open.

Security footage from the home of Ohio resident Brittany Gardner shows her young daughter, Madison, walking toward the front door of the home. She is seen slightly struggling as she walks up the steps due to high winds pushing her backwards.

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As Madison reaches the glass door she struggles to open it, but as soon as she does the gust of wind flings it open with the child still attached.

In the background of the video we see Gardner rummaging through the family SUV and helps her other daughter out of the car. But as soon as she notices Madison caught in the gust of wind she runs to her daughter.

Areas near the Great Lakes were under a high wind warning at the time.

Madison called out for her mother throughout the ordeal, though, Gardner wrote in a Facebook post.

“All I hear is ‘mommm!’ So I look back and she’s pinned between the house and the glass door,” Gardner wrote.

Luckily, Madison was ok and laughing when Gardner went to check up on her, the mother said.

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[H/T ABC News]