Tom “Dynamite Kid” Billington is currently under care at a medical facility due to complications from a stroke. A gofundme page was set up by his wife last October to help bring the Kid home to receive health care. As of right now, they have only raised a fraction of their needed goal.
The folks at Pro Wrestling Tees have set up a sight at this link to assist with Dynamite Kid’s medical care. A percentage of all shirts sold will go directly to Tom.
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While he was always the less famous member of the British Bulldogs, Dynamite Kid remains one of the most influential stars in the history of wrestling. Kid trained in the infamous Stu Hart dungeon and became a member of Stu’s Stampede Wrestling promotion. When the WWF purchased Stampede, Dynamite and his partner, Dave Boy Smith went with them.
The British Bulldogs got over with WWF fans very quickly. Their innovative power moves, mixed in with an arsenal of flying tactics brought tag team action to a new level.
The Bulldogs won the WWF Tag Team titles for the first time April 7, 1986, beating The Dream Team of Greg ‘The Hammer’ Valentine and Brutus Beefcake at WrestleMania II in Chicago.
In late 1986, Dynamite was injured in a tag match in Hamilton, Ontario against Don Muraco and Cowboy Bob Orton when Muraco kneed Dynamite in the back and struck him four times with a chair. The severe disc and nerve damage in his back was the beginning of the end for Dynamite, and even after surgery he was never the same.
In Japan, Kid’s his feud with the original Tiger Mask produced some of the greatest matches in wrestling history. A video surfaced not too long ago showing Dynamite Kid in bad shape while reuniting with Tiger Mask. In the video below at the 10:30 mark, Kid can be seen reuniting with Tiger Mask via skype.
We wish Dynamite Kid and his family all the best.
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BOY MEETS WORLD, the popular TGIF comedy series, airs on the Walt Disney Television via Getty Images Television Network. Pictured are: (front, l-r) Matthew Lawrence, Ben Savage; (rear, l-r) Trina McGee-Davis, Rider Strong, Maitland Ward, Danielle Fishel and Will Friedle (Photo by: James Sorensen/Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images)