Steve Austin Has High Praise for Shinsuke Nakamura, Heel Turn

If you're a professional wrestler and have impressed one of the all time biggest legends in the [...]

If you're a professional wrestler and have impressed one of the all time biggest legends in the history of the industry, you must be doing something right.

Such is the case with Shinsuke Nakamura and his career transformation coming out of this year's WrestleMania. It was at that event that Nakamura turned heel following a loss against AJ Styles in a WWE championship bout. The turn stunned wrestling fans, as Nakamura had been a babyface character ever since debuting with WWE.

However, Nakamura never really seemed to find his way on the main roster, always seeming to lack something as he was thrust into the main event scene following his victory at the Royal Rumble. Never someone who's talent was doubted, it just seemed that he didn't connect with the audience in a way that most main event stars have done in WWE. Some of that was his booking, and some of that was his performance on the main roster.

That is no longer the issue, as the booking committee has come to his rescue and resuscitated his career. The heel turn has livened up everything for Nakamura, who all of the sudden feels fresh and exciting.

Austin took notice.

Who are we to disagree with the Texas Rattlesnake? In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that disagrees with his take. Nakamura has been a pleasure to watch of late, excelling in his role as a heel. The low blow has become a staple of his repertoire (and quite entertaining), and the new theme music that Nakamura was given this week is off the charts good.

Styles and Nakamura wrestled on Friday at Greatest Royal Rumble in a match for the WWE championship, a WrestleMania rematch that ended in a double count-out. Odds are that Nakamura will soon get his hands on the WWE championship and we're ready to strap in and enjoy the ride.